+++ I can't see you cry +++

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***Yup a bonus chapter but before reading this just in case if you haven't read the previous chapter 'cruel' read that first****

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Manik- 9 years old. Height- 4.1 ft

Nandini- 8 years old. Height- 3.9 ft

Flashback to their childhood

"Manik. Where are you?" Nandini had been calling out for him for quite a while now as she walked around the children's park.

It had been a busy day with people coming over to his house and those people had kept his mum occupied. The whole time Manik had been with Nandini. Unlike his usual cheerful self, that day he hadn't spoken much to her despite her constant effort of trying to make him talk. Just for a moment she had gone to the kitchen but when she was back with a glass of water in her hand,  he was gone. She couldn't find him in the house. So she even looked for him in the backyard. That was when an uncle she met in the yard told her he had seen Manik running towards the children park.

"Manikkk. Ma-" her voice died down in her throat as her eyes fell on a familiar silhouette behind the huge slide. He was curled into a ball with his head buried in between his knees.

She ran towards him and as she got closer she heard his muffled cries. That made her heart sting. She slowly sat down beside him. "Manik." her voice was soft. She wrapped her small arms around him, lightly rubbing his hand. "Don't cry na. If you stop crying I'll give all my chocolates to you." she paused, trying to look at his face from in between his hands. "I'll even let you play my video games first. Please na don't cry."

He didn't respond to any of her coaxing.

"You know mum said uncle has turned into a shiny star. We can see him together at night." she knew very well that wasn't going to help but still she didn't want him to cry.

"Stop lying. Mum said the same thing. I am not a kid to not know I'll never see him again." he pushed her away, finally looking up at her with his tears filled eyes. Her hands scraped on the ground and she winced on the impact.

"Just go away. I don't want to talk to anyone." he shouted.

"No I won't." she said firmly with tears filled eyes. "I know whatever I say isn't going to help but I don't want you to cry. You can have my dad if you want but don't cry."

"I don't need yours. I- I just want my dad." his voice quavered. "He promised to come back home early and-" he couldn't continue anymore. He looked down as he cried harder. His dad had promised to be back home early but on his way back a truck had rammed into his dad's car and his dad had died on spot.

She reached upto him and hugged him tightly. "I can't see you cry." she mumbled in between her sniffs as she held onto his crying figure. He melted down into those small arms of her as he cried his eyes out.


When I felt like no one was there for me, you were there beside me, holding me in your arms like I meant the world to you.


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