18. Reunions and Dares

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"Are you okay?" I placed a hand on Cabir's shoulder as I settled beside him. He raised his head from between his elbows and looked at me. He didn't look okay in anyway. His hair that usually was perfectly styled was disheveled, his mischief glint eyes were red and baggy.

"Do I look okay to you?" he snapped.

"Calm down dude." I patted his shoulder quite a few times before withdrawing my hand back.

"I can't. Navya is leaving in three weeks and I can't even stop her. Why is she so adamant on wanting a break? Am I that bad?" he let out an exasperated sigh as he ran his hands through his messy hair.

"You aren't. May be she just wants to sort her thoughts-"

"Don't." he cut me off. "Don't repeat that bullshit line. I am tired of repeating that line in my head over and over again. I mean she can sort out her thoughts staying by my side. Why does she have to apply for that damn employee exchange program that too to another province. It's for one whole month at that."

"It's just a month."

"Say the same to me when Nandini applies for it too."

"She's not interested in such exchange programs." I said in a matter of fact tone. I can't even last a week without her. A month without her will be like- scratch it- I can't even imagine.

"Navya wasn't too but she suddenly wanted to. How am I gonna cope with a whole month without her?" he banged his fist on the table in frustration, grabbing the attention of the people nearby.

"Cabir it's gonna be okay." I wasn't sure if it was going to be though. "Let's do this. Tonight we are having the Batch 2012 reunion party anyway. Me and Nandini will try to talk things out with her."

"It's not gonna work." he let out a sigh.

Later that night, after we finished our work, as planned we met at the reserved bar for the reunion party. I failed to recognize a lot of our classmates. Their appearance as well as behaviour had changed so drastically.

"How could you not recognize me Manik?" Inaya sounded a bit offended. "We were teammates for the project green."

Now that she mentioned, the memory struck my mind. I had once teamed up with her just because I was pissed off Nandini had agreed to team up with Smaran.

"Ahh right. I remember."

"What was I even expecting?" she face palmed herself. "You don't care about anything not unless-" she trailed off with her eyes wandering around the room. Her eyes stopped on Nandini. "ah she's there- she's involved."

I let out an awkward smile. "Not really."

"You don't need to lie." she let out a soft laugh. "And yes congratulations for getting married to the love of your life."

"Hmm. Thanks." I smiled but my smile instantly dropped when my eyes landed on Smaran who had managed to approach Nandini. Oh that bug! "I'll talk to you later."

"Still so overprotective." I ignored Inaya's remark and made my way towards Nandini.

"It's been really long." I heard Smaran say as I reached her.

"Babe we had to talk with Navya." I held either side of her shoulder from behind her. I felt her body slightly stiffen probably at my choice of words. She turned slightly sideway to look at me. "I did talk with her and I really think she isn't going to change her mind."

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