8. Horror

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A week later


"Nandini which movie?" Manik asked, with his eyes fixed on the TV screen. His fingers continuously clicking the forward button on the remote.

We both had been married for a week now. The few days after our marriage ceremony the house was bustling with his relatives. And we even had to perform a bunch of post marriage rituals.

Originally we had planned to start working on our collaboration project right after the wedding but there was a change in plan. We both had to take one extra week off because of all the rituals and we needed some rest too. This was our last day off and we had planned to lazily spend the day by watching movies. What else could we do? It had been raining heavily outside.

"You know my genre. Action comedy." I said as I leaned on the sofa, pulling the blanket till my waist.

"Nah let's watch horror." He said, turning his gaze towards me.

"Why even ask me if you were going to chose the horror genre?" I wasn't really a fan of horror movies. Honestly they wouldn't even be scary if not for the sound effect.

"Just for the sake of asking."

The asshole broke into a cheshire smile.

I threw the pillow that I had been holding right on his face to wipe off that smile on his face. "Jerk." I cursed and he laughed.

After a few more minutes of searching, he finally selected a random horror movie. He then joined me in the sofa. His arm wrapped around my waist, pulling my body practically on top of him. I felt cosy and warm inside.

This was how we usually sat, dangerously close to each other and we both were okay with the proximity, at least that's what I thought.

One minutes into the movie and those spooky sound effects had already started.
"Urghhh I hate this." I groaned, leaning my head on his chest and he lightly caressed my hair. "Already scared hah?" He said in a teasing tone, only to get elbowed by me on his stomach.

"You know how much I hate this spooky sound effects. It's like acid to my ears." I complained.

"You are just scared."

I couldn't deny because I was. These movies didn't make me scream or anything but the very night of the movie, the thought that a ghost might appear out of nowhere freaked me out. Sigh! me and my silly thoughts.

"Don't worry. I am there with you tonight. Nothing will pop out." He said as though reading my thoughts.

"Yeah yeah whatever."

We were half the way through the movie when suddenly out of nowhere the leads started kissing each other. They were freaking inside a haunted house, with their lifes on line and they still had time for romance.

"This is so unnecessary." I commented.

"They are a couple. It's natural for them to kiss and all." Manik defended like every other time.

"Freaking romance." I shook my head in disbelief. That was when he suddenly tightened his hold on my waist and leaned closer to my right ear.

What is he doing?

I could feel his warm breath close to my ear and I felt as though our surrounding just fell silent. The only sound that was heard was the sound from the TV and probably from my heart which had been beating very hard.

"Yeah, freaking romance." He whispered and it sent shivers down my spine. It took me less than a second to compose myself and with a little too much force I elbowed him on his stomach, making him wail in pain. In the process his hold loosened in my waist and taking that opportunity I got out of his hold, hitting him continuously with the pillow in my hand.

"Stop teasing me you freak." I raised my voice a bit, launching another pillow attack on his head.

He caught the pillow right on time and pulled it but I was adamant on not leaving it. He pulled harder and eventually I was also pulled towards him. Our heads banged.

"Ow!!" We both yelped in pain at the same time. Leaving the pillow, I rubbed the top of my head lightly as I settled beside him.

Right then the sudden loud screaming sound of the female lead from the TV screen made me jump on my seat in surprise. "The hell." I let out a breath. He chuckled at my reaction.


"Scared just with that." I teased, pointing towards the TV screen and she grumbled in annoyance. Her lips formed a pout and she crossed her arms around her chest. Cute!

I love teasing her. I especially love the reaction I get from teasing her. I lightly caressed the top of her head. "Fine. Let's watch something else." I said, although I wanted to complete watching the currently playing movie.

She shook her head in no. "Let's go out instead." She suggested, which was so unlike her. She wasn't someone who enjoyed going out on rainy days.

"Outside?! But it's raining."

"So what! We can just go for a long drive."

"Why the sudden craving for long drive?"

She shrugged. "I just realized it's better than watching this stupid horror."

"We have work tomorrow. We are going to be dead tired if we go for a long drive right now." I protested.

"C'mon na Manik. Let's go na." She pouted, holding my hand and swinging it a bit, acting all cute. This was something she always did whenever she wanted me to agree with her and strangely it worked every single time.

And right now too I couldn't resist her cuteness. She looked so adorable that I didn't have the heart to refuse her.

"Well if that's what you wish for." I plopped out of the sofa, grabbed my jacket, phone, wallet and car keys while she too grabbed her jacket and side bag.

"Ready?" She asked.

I nodded my head as I hummed without saying a word.

"Then let's go." She said excitedly as she grabbed my hand and held it tight.

It honestly felt as though she was about to take me and get lost to the middle of nowhere. But that was okay, I was with her after all.

Nothing matters as long as she's with me.

Well well I hope you guys liked the chapter. And yeah they are JUST BEST FRIENDS. Believe me they are ;p.

Don't forget to drop your votes and comments. Especially the comments. Damn the comments of the previous chapter made my day. So can I ask for more in this one too?

Thank you for sparing your precious time for me. See you in the next update.

Love ❤️

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