playing games

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reader age - 5 years old

моя любовь - my love
(sorry if this isn't the correct translation!)
you sat on natasha's bed. she was downstairs in the compound working on finishing out a mission report. you were colouring in your animal colouring book with your big crayons all over her bed. you got bored and eventually went downstairs to find your momma
"momma?" you called out trying to locate your mother in the small part of the compound you knew. you started getting frustrated because you couldn't find her. but there she was, her hair was glistening in the sun and her bright red hair could be seen from a mile away.
"what are you doing y/n"
"i was looking for you" you said. she could tell that you were bored and she put all of her stuff away and walked over to pick you up.
"what do you want to do?" she asked. you thought about all the things you had fun doing with your mother. reading, watching tv, playing with your most favourite giraffe stuffed animal.
"play board game!" you said strongly.
"of course you моя любовь"
she walked up the stairs and into her room. she sat you down on her bed telling you she'd be right back with some board games. you waited patiently for your mother to return. she placed down a few options on the fuzzy carpet in her room. you crawled off the bed and onto the floor. your face could feel the warmth of the sun shining through the window.
"which one do you want to play моя любовь?"
your small eyes skimmed over the different games she lauded out in front of you. you waiting until you recognized the cover of you favourite one. you pointed to candy land.
"you sure you wanna play that one again" your mother asked you. you nodded your head in contentment. she set up the big board in front of your little body. you loved playing games with your mom. you loved how she laughed whenever you got excited and she loved your little smile that grew on your face each time you picked this game. after a while of playing candy land you got sleepy, your eyelids were dropping and it was almost time for your nap.
"are you getting tired моя любовь?"
you sleepily nodded your head and she stood up. you reached out your arms and curled your fingers in and out signalling for her to pick you up. she picked you up and she walked over to the bed that was all warmed up by the afternoon sun. she covered you with the thick blanket and she cradled you in her arms.
"sweet dreams my precious girl"
you feel asleep to the red head singing you a russian lullaby.

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