bike accident

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reader age- 6
you were a really active kid. of course because natasha romanoff was your mom. but you loved riding your bike. and i mean loved. you would go out any chance you could. you got rid of your training wheels faster than iron man could snap his fingers. and you kept getting better at it.

"wake up sweets" your mom whispered in your ear. you opened your eyes and saw the sun shining through the blinds. you loved the mornings, mainly because you could get away with being really cuddly and lazy. you did grabby hands at your mom signalling your her to pick you up. she sighed in a loving way and smiled to herself while she picked you up.

"you're getting to big for me to be carrying you around y/n/n" she walked you downstairs and into the kitchen to help you get some breakfast for yourself.

"what do you want to eat?"


"you gotta eat more than that love" she got the strawberries out of the fridge and gave them to you in a little bowl. she turned on the kitchen faucet and placed you on the counter next to the sink. while you were rinsing them off, she was making you a piece of toast.

"here you go love" she handed you a plate with the toast on it and you put the freshly washed strawberries next to it.

"can i eat up here mamma?"

she contemplated letting you sit on the kitchen counter while you ate your breakfast. she smiled and agreed. you are your breakfast while your mom was standing in front of you. you guys were laughing as you fed each other the strawberries. these were your most favourite mornings. where you could spend time with your mom and not worry about a thing.

she helped you put your dish in the sink and she helped you down from the counter. you ran out of the kitchen and to the stairs as you climbed up them.

"where are you going y/n/n?" she asked

"bike time!!"

natasha laughed at your excitement to get outside and on your bike. she followed you up the stairs and watched as you ran into your room and jumped on your bed.

"what do you wanna wear today?"

"you pick!"

she picked out a cute romper, perfect for bike riding

she put your hair into a little braid and you were on your way

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she put your hair into a little braid and you were on your way. you got your shoes on and your helmet and you were on your bike.

"careful y/n!" she called from the door

"i know momma!" she were having so much fun. and you felt so free riding that bike. you rode around while your momma was watching you. you got off and you sat in the driveway and played with some chalk. you made little pictures of flowers and puppies. typical for a 6 year old.

the driveway leading up to the little house you lived in with your mom and a long driveway but at the top of it was a big hill. maybe not big to your mom or an adult. but to the little 6 year old you were, it was huge. and it was a lot for someone who was only still getting used to riding on the 2 wheels.

"i'm gonna go inside for a minute but i'll be right back. only bike close to the house. and no hill." she made the last part very clear. you agreed and you continued playing with the chalk. a few minutes passed and your mom was still inside. you got bored of the chalk and you looked over at your bike. then you looked over at the big hill. you told yourself not too because you weren't aloud. but something came over you. you felt like you HAD to conquer that hill. you put your helmet back on and you walked your bike up the the top of the hill.

"20 seconds of courage" you told yourself. you got on the bike and you looked at the house and the big drive way in front of you. you pushed off the ground and you started peddling. everything was going smoothly, the wind was blowing the stray pieces of hair out of your face. and you were having so much fun. you started gaining speed and you were losing control of your front tire. to we're going back and forth and your wheel had a mind of it's own. the whole thing went so quickly. you fell off your bike and you went the opposite way of your bike. you scraped both your knees, your elbows and the palms of your hands on the concrete. you look a second to take in what just happened and then the pain hit. your knees were bleeding and they started stinging and burning. tears filled your eyes as you called out to your mom.

"MOMMA! MOMMY PLEASE" you cried out desperate for her to come and help you.

she ran outside looking around to find you. she saw your bike on the ground and then she spotted you on the ground with your bloody knees. she ran over and kneeled down on the ground.

"shh shh it's okay" she scooped you up and walked you inside to her bathroom. she placed you down on the sink and she started to clean your wounds.

"i'm sorry momma. i went down the hill. i just thought i could do it. i'm sorry"

"baby it's okay" she caressed your  cheek.

"you thought you could do it, and you tried it right?" she asked. you shook your head.

"even though i told you not to. i'm proud of you for trying. just next time let me know and i'll be right next to you helping you okay?"

"okay momma" you respond

she finished putting bandages on your knees and elbows and bandaids on your palms.

"you're my tough girl" she kissed the top of your head. she picked you up off the sink counter and put you on your feet.

"can you walk?" she asked. you took a few steps and even though it hurt a little bit, you kept walking.

"good girl love" she walked next to you holding your hand. you sat on the couch next to her while she put on a movie.

she raised you to be a tough girl. she didn't want to baby you too much and she was proud of the little girl you've become. trying new things, and maybe getting hurt in the process. but you have your battle scars to prove your victory :)

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