caught red handed

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reader age- 15
request: nat finds cig in her daughter's coat pocket
requested by: elliegoughtictok

i added some things to make it a more interesting one shot, but i wanted to add a tw for those who may need it.

tw: underage smoking, underage drinking, minor sexual harassment
you've been hanging out with the wrong crowd lately. you have been sneaking out a few times in the past few months. and natasha was not happy about it. she knew that you were a teenager, and that you'd be doing these kinds of thing. but she wanted more than anything for you to just go back to being her innocent little baby girl.

1:36 a.m
you were quietly opening your window. you had set your shoes outside a few hours prior and you put some pillows underneath your blankets to make it look like you were sleeping. you hopped out your window onto the cold grass. you left your window slightly opened so it would be easier to get it. you slipped your shoes on and you were on your way.

you were planning on meeting your boyfriend along with some others friends. you made your way to the alley that you usually met in. as you walked your way through the night, the cold wind was whipping your hair around. you always loved walking at night, it was peaceful and quiet and the only thing there was the moon shining down on your skin.

you got to the alley to see all your friends gathered around a small fire one of them made.

"hey babe" logan said

logan was your boyfriend. you'd met him 3 months ago when you started hanging out with this new group of friends. you tried keeping your relationship on the down low because he was 18. the age difference didn't really matter to you but if anyone else heard about it. you'd both be in trouble.

"hey logan" you greeted him with a kiss and you made your way over the your other friends. they all greeted you with smiles. you guys talked about random things that came up in conversation. despite them all being a few years older than you, you had a good time with them. you enjoyed their company and also enjoyed what they brought when they hung out.

"who wants one?" your friend called out as he pulled cans of beer from his backpack. all of you guys cheered quietly as he threw one to each of you. as it got later in the night, more empty beer cans were being thrown into the fire and the group was getting louder. by now you were all getting drunk and smoking. you had one and a half beers and were smoking out of the cigarette that was being passed around the circle.

logan was completely drunk and he started getting more violent and too touchy.

"wanna go back to my place?" he asked you while slurring his words. you knew what he was doing, and you knew you were both intoxicated. you were young, but your mom taught you how to be smart in these types of situations.

"nah, i gotta get back to my house before my mom sees i'm gone. if she finds out i snuck out again she'll ground me for a month" you put all the blame on your mom just like she told you too.

"come on y/n, we can just go back to my place. i know you want too" logan said.

"i really gotta get home, but i'll see you later" you started to get up as he grabbed your wrist forcefully.

"y/n come on"

"no, get off of me"

he got up and started getting too close and he was forcing himself onto you.

"logan get away from me" you pushed him off of you but even though he was drunk he was still 18 and double your size. you gave him one swift kick in the crouch and you used your knee to kick him in his gut. you can thank your mom for that one. he was groaning on the ground, and your friends were just there watching. you ended the conversation and walked out of the alley. you got far enough away and you took a deep breath. it's not the first time you had experienced logan drunk, but he has never harassed you like that.

natasha romanoff x daughter one shots Where stories live. Discover now