how she would react to a panic attack

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reader age- 13

моя любовь - my love
(sorry if this isn't the correct translation!)
school had been getting pretty stressful for you. you had a huge geometry test coming up and you didn't understand any of the content. you were behind in history and you had a c in biology. the only class you were excelling in was english. you had to study for 3 hours straight just to understand what you did in class. and on top of all the school work you had to deal with the drama at school. who was dating who, who hates who. as much as you hated the stupid school drama, you were somehow always in the middle of it. but you handled it well, you don't have any enemies and when you really needed help handling the situation you went to wanda (she's like a big sis to you). and don't get me started on all the training you had.

you were getting ready to leave for school and you were sitting at the breakfast table. you had your books and worksheets spread out to get some last minute studying in. bruce helped you study and you were doing pretty well with grasping to topic but you were so behind compared to your peers. to get an a on this test, it would take you another week on braking down these equations. and the idea of having to sit still for an hour and take this test was nerve wrecking. your leg was bouncing up and down and your mom noticed.
"you okay моя любовь?"
you didn't hear her. quadratic equations and slope intercept were the only things running around your busy brain. she called you again.
you snapped out of your mathematical conundrum.
"what? oh yeah, i'm fine"
you barely ate your breakfast because you were so focused on this 50 point test you had in a few hours.
"you ready for school kiddo?" tony asked you
"yeah" you said with a sigh
tony took you to school and you were quiet the whole ride there. just thinking about how you are going to fail this test. the anxiety was creeping up inside you. your fingers fidgeting and your leg was bouncing. tony did notice how nervous you were but decided not to work you up even more before you walking into school. you had math last period so you just had to get through the day.
——— skip to last period ———
"okay students sit down in your chairs and spread out your desks."
the loud rustling of the desks clanging together was all you heard. that and the millions of numbers in your head. you were frantically trying to remember what you were studying just a few hours ago. but nothing. you couldn't remember anything. just before you could take one last peek at your study guide before the test started, the teacher placed it on your desk. the monster, the devil, the one that would ruin your already bad grade... your unit 3 geometry test. 15 minutes go by and all you had done was your name at the top and the one question you knew the answer to because you friend who already took the test told you. your brain felt like mush, you couldn't focus and you couldn't remember anything. you tried your very best to get these questions done. one by one you got through them. we're they right? probably not but you had answers the each and every one. you had 30 seconds left and there was one question. you knew this question. bruce had a special way for you to remember this skill. what was going on in your brain was insane. running around through all the information in your brain. all the math equations and rules. you knew this.
"coming y/n you know this." you thought to yourself.
as hard as you tried you just couldn't remember. the timer went off and the teacher came around to collect the tests. the eraser shavings all over your desk was a sign to anyone that you didn't do to well. the last bell rang. so was finally over. you picked up your bag and walked out with your head hanging low. your classmates were talking about how easy it was which made you even more nervous. "why me? why am i the one who can't understand this?"
you were walking home after school today and you just couldn't control your thoughts. your mind was going crazy thinking about that test. it was over but still. you got home and you went straight up to your room you took all your work out of your bag and you threw it on the ground. you hated school, math was your worst nightmare and it made you even more mad that you were the only one who didn't understand. you had tears in your eyes and you were just so upset. you were working yourself up to a panic attack. your breathing got heavy and you just didn't know what to do. your mom had heard the thumping of your heavy textbook hitting the ground from above her. she figures you just knocked something over. she walked upstairs to see how your day went but she got to your door and only heard crying. so she barged in ran up to kneel at the side of your bed.
"hey hey hey what's wrong моя любовь?"
you didn't answer, your breathing was so fast and you were still focused on the test.
"y/n sweetheart, calm down"
she was thinking on all the possible things that could have gone wrong today. did you get in a fight with your friends? did you hurt yourself? she looks around your room while your still panicking and she sees all the math work on your floor. she gets up on the bed with you to calm you down. she sits behind you so your back is against her chest. you holds both your hands and she just needs to breath.
"sweetheart whatever is going on in that brain, i need it to stop okay i need you to breathe for me. okay. just breathe." you took held her hands and you were trying to take deep breathes. she was just sitting there with you in her arms. she didn't want to give you too much body contact just in case that would make it worse. you we're still anxious but it surely calmed you down. and she helped you take deep breaths.
"that's it's. good girl, you're okayмоя любовь"

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