how she would comfort you [hc]

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this is just going to be some of the things nat will do while she comforts you :)

-she will most definitely hug you because she has a soft spot for you

-she would stroke your hair

-she would let you talk if you
wanted to but if you didn't she would carry the conversation

-she would make sure you were okay by asking "are you feeling better? how are you?" stuff like that

-she would make sure that you were still engaged with the conversation and not zoning out to focus on what you make you upset or panic

-she would love to get you out of the house, compound, tower to go on a walk to get some fresh air

-she would ask when the last time you ate was and she would make you your favourite meal

-she would just let you rant is that's what you needed

-she would constantly look in your eyes to make sure you weren't hiding anything (she would know if you were cause your her little girl)

-and she would also ask if too wanted to read a book with her or watch a movie to get your mind off of things

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