scared for mission pt. 2

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here's part 2 for my last chapter!

моя милая - my sweet girl
младенец - baby

didn't proof read oops
all you can feel is the wind whipping through your hair. standing underneath the dark sky filled of stars, waiting for the moment you've been dreading for the past week. your waiting to say goodbye to your parents with uncle bucky standing close behind you. your mom walks out of the quinjet with your father hand in hand.

"hey baby" your mom says

you don't respond as you just run and hug them both. they both immediately return the hug because it's a second nature to them. you feel the tears trying to escape your eyes but you push them down, most likely saving them for when they leave. your dad kneels down so that he's at the same height as you.

"we'll be back soon okay? it won't be long i promise" he says

you look into his eyes trying to find any sort of doubt

"okay. just please be careful"

"we will baby" natasha says from behind you as she plays with the ends of your hair.

you pull your dad in by the neck for one last tight hug. you melt into his arms and you just want to stay in that moment forever. you didn't want them to leave for the mission. you didn't want them to risk their lives and possibly get hurt. you just wanted to stay there in the comfort of your mom and dad.

"we love you so much y/n" your mom says

"yeah, so so very much princess" he says

at this point the tears you had thought you pushed way down where making their way up again. your mom wipes the tears off your face with her thumb

"no tears baby. we are gonna perfectly fine"

"okay. i love you guys"

and with one last hug you are right back to  standing next to uncle bucks watching your parents walk into the quinjet waving goodbye. you let a few tears fall from your face, not because you were going to miss them but because you feared you wouldn't ever see them again. bucky takes you back inside and he walks you to your room for the night.

over the next week you felt all of the emotions. you got sad, mad, nervous, scared and even excited. all you wanted was to see your parents again without a single scratch on their body. you just wanted them to be okay and come back unharmed

you spent a lot of time with uncle bucky as he was one of the only person you felt comfortable with while your parents weren't around. he practically helped raise you and you looked up to him and he was basically your second dad.

it's was sunday night exactly two weeks after your parents left for the big mission. today was the day that your parents were supposed to return. you walked out on to the landing pad standing right besides your uncle bucky. you got deja vu because only 14 days ago you were standing in this very spot feeling very sad and emotional. you remembered that terrible feeling all too well. the same stars were shining in the night sky above you. and this time you were over to moon with excitement.

the could see the quinjet come in getting ready to land. you absentmindedly grabbed uncle bucky's hand in hopes to contain some excitement. you were praying that your eyes didn't deceive you and that your parents were really about to be right infront of you. you couldn't help but worry that maybe you were still sleeping and that this was just all a dream. you pushed the feeling of doubt out of the way just making room for all the joy that will consume your body in just a moment of seconds.

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