bath time

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reader age - 4

AUTHOR'S NOTE: i am taking requests for this book! so if there are any one shots or head cannons you want me to do just lmk <3
it was coming... the most dreadful part of your day... bath time. you hated it. and i mean absolutely hated it. you weren't sure why but it was horrible. you knew whenever your mom would call your name after you ate dinner you were in for it. you tried to run and time each time but she still found you. you were sitting in the living room playing with some of you toys and you heard her.
"y/n! come here please!"
you dropped everything and you ran. you could hear her walking down the stairs but you were already in your room. you dashed into your closet and you shut the door behind you. you could hear her foot step approaching. you peeked through the little cracks to see your mom standing there. 
"y/n? are you in here"
she was playing dumb to get you to think you were winning. and boy did it work. you had no idea the game she was playing. she slowly walked away from your room, you could hear her footsteps fading in the distance. you felt on top of the world getting away with bathtime. you slowly opened your closet door making sure she didn't hear you. you jumped up and down in your room so excited that you could go back to your toys. you walked through the hall and you went back to where your toys were. but before you could get there. your mom was walking behind you, she was so quick and there was nowhere you could go to escape her. she scooped you up in her arms. you started failing your arms and kicking your legs with tears rolling down your face.
"y/n stop screaming please, my ears are going to bleed"
she kept walking in the direction of her bathroom. she placed you down on the counter top and she walked over to the bathtub. you tried to think of anyway to escape. you jumped down from the counter top but it was a little bit higher than you thought. you feel and you hurt your ankle. you started screaming and crying even more. natasha turned around when she heard you fall. she ran over and picked you up. holding you like a little baby. you were crying, the fall was just adding to your negative mood.
"hey hey hey shhhh it's okay, hey it's okay darling. your okay"
she quickly scans over you to make sure that nothing is bleeding or broken and you seem to be fine. besides your tear stained face.
"hey, you're okay baby"
she cradled you while the bath was still running. she but some bubbles in to make you a little happier and she scooped some and put them on your nose.
"you like those?"
you giggles at the fluffy bubbles at the end of your nose. while you were distracted she took off your clothes and she put you in the bath tub. you were so preoccupied with the bubbles that you didn't even notice. the moment you realized where you were you panicked. but your mom was 3 steps ahead of you. before you could even whine about the bath tub she comforted you abs took your mind off of it.
"hey y/n baby look at this."
she picked up some bubbles in her and in she blew them. bubbles were flying in the air and you were mesmerized. while you were distracted by that. natasha washed you and you were all done in less then 5 minutes. she got you out and wrapped you in a fluffy towel. she put some warm pajamas on you and she told you to go get in your bed. you did what you were told and you climbed up into your big girl bed. a few moments later natasha walked in with a book in her hands. she sat down next to you and you cuddled into her side. she read to you until you felt your eyelids getting lower and lower. natasha notices your tired state.
"go to bed my love, i'll be here in the morning"
with that confirmation, you fell right asleep and you were snuggled into your momma. even thought the night kind of went down hill, your momma always knew the right ways to make you feel a whole lot better.

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