sick sick sick

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-headcannon -

what natasha would do for you while you were sick

okay so when ever someone in the compound has a cold or is anyone is sick, it makes it's way around. as soon as one person feels better, two more people get sick. it spreads so quickly throughout the compound. but this time you caught the compound cold. you don't know who you caught it from, but you didn't care. you felt like absolute shit. but natasha was right next to you and she was ready to take care of you. she didn't care that she was at risk of catching the cold, she just wanted to to feel better.

-she would bring you food in bed

-make sure you were drinking plenty of water so you didn't get dehydrated

-she would make sure your sheets were clean and that you had plenty of blankets

-she gave you one of her big hoodies because she knew that those always gave you so much comfort

-she spent so much time with you each day

-you guys would watch movies, play games, and just talk

-you guys could talk forever, natasha was a very good listener and she loved to hear your voice

-she would bring you medicine to make you feel better even though you would refuse to take it. but eventually she would make you take it

-she wouldn't let you do anything that would tire you out

-she would make you take a shower even though you felt sick

-she would set out warm clothes for you after the shower

-and while you were in the shower she would take your favorite blanket and go put it in the dryer so by the time you finished you would have a warm blanket to snuggle with

-she would braid your hair while you picked a movie to fall asleep to

-she would lay in bed next to you and rub your back

-and if you were really really sick she would come into your room and camp out for the night just in case you needed anything in the middle of the night

-she would look after you like you were her little baby again

-and even though you were sick, you loved the attention and the caring side of your mom that always came out when you needed it most

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