journal in the laundry

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reader age - 15
<3 sorry i kinda disappeared for a while, but i'm back in the game baby <3

requested by @Maximoff_Anna

boys. that's who you were supposed to like. you were supposed to have crushes on them, date them, and then eventually marry them. your school was strictly religious and believed that boy and girl relationships were the only way. but you? you like girls. and it feels like the wrong thing to do but you just can't help yourself. you tried to deny it but it was useless. you were walking across the street one day and out of the corner of your eye you saw a very beautiful girl. long brunette hair, she was wearing skinny jeans and a black fitted shirt. she had some eyeliner on and a pair of sunglasses. you got butterflies in your stomach just by looking at her. you thought you were crazy and you kept on with your day. but as you saw more and more beautiful girls, you were questioning what was happening.

"y/n come on you gotta leave soon" your mother yelled.

"i'm almost ready!" you yelled back.

you quickly finished what your were writing in your diary. you were writing about the girl from class 5A. you passed her class everyday and you couldn't help but admire her beauty. you raced around your room trying to get ready because you've spent all morning writing. you threw on your clothes and were doing your hair and brushing your teeth at the same time. you were tying your shoes and curling your eyelashes. things were being thrown everywhere and by the end of you getting ready it looked like a tornado came through. a sweatshirt on the door, pens on the ground and your diary sitting on top of your dirty clothes. you stood in front of the mirror looking at yourself. your boring uniform staring back at you. plaid skirt and white polo shirt. ugh. you hated that uniform so much. you would much rather wear ripped jeans and a fleetwood mac shirt with some high top converse. but no. you walked down the stairs and grabbed your backpack.

"hey honey" your mom said

"hey mom" you replied

you sat down and ate your breakfast while having a normal convo with your mom

——— time skip cause i'm lazy asf and broke my arm yesterday 😎 ——

walking around the hallways at school was something you did often. skipping half your classes to go to the 'bathroom' and peering into other classes. you always walked one specific route through the school to pass a certain english class. you slowed down when you reached the door and looked into the room. there she was. her blonde hair that reached her waist and her chocolate brown eyes that were the most beautiful you've seen. she looked over at the door and saw you and immediately smiled and waved back trying to stay inconspicuous. you waved back while a slight blush was creeping onto your cheeks. you kept making your way down the hall and back to your boring boring math class.

-at home-

nat was walking around your room picking things up off the ground. she didn't mind helping you pick up after rushing out the door. she was going to reach to do your laundry but came across your diary. of course she didn't know if was a diary cause it was a plain journal that looked like a school notebook. thinking you must have left this at home, she opened it up to the bookmarked page and immediately saw parts of what you wrote that morning

"she is so pretty... i just can't help it... i want to tell mom but im just not sure how she will react... am i wrong for thinking this?"

by skimming what you wrote, she understood what you meant. she placed the journal down on your desk and continued to pick up the rest of your room while contemplating how she was going to confront you later.

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