russian lullaby

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reader age - 3

моя любовь - my love
(sorry if this isn't the correct translation)
sorry i haven't updated in so long lol. but at least i'm doing it now right 😋 requests are open cause i have no ideas rn. THANKS BESTIESS

It was currently 10:49 p.m. which was late for you. you were usually in bed and fast asleep by 9:00. you just couldn't fall asleep. you were twisting and turning in your bed sheets and you were starting to get frustrated. you really wanted to just fall asleep and rest your tired eyes but there was something keeping you up and you couldn't place a finger on it. after a while of contemplating, you got out of bed and grabbed your blanket and wrapped it around your little body. you walked your way to the door of your room and reached up towards the door knob. your had to go on your tippy toes because it was just a little further up than you thought. you slowly closed the wooden door behind you and you walked your tired body to your moms room. walking through the hallway alone was fun for you, but at night and being alone was a different story. you kept walking ignoring the ridge to fall on the floor and close your eyes. you got to your moms door and once again reached up to the shiny door and twisted the knob. when you opened it, it revealed your mother's sitting at her desk working on her computer. you were watching her fingers moving quickly and typing away. she turned over to see your little figure at the door.
"what are you doing up моя любовь?"
she said with a warm voice.
"cant sleep momma" you said tiredly
"come here baby" she said while closing her computer. you waddled over to her and she picked you up and put her in your lap. you snuggled into her chest immediately feeling the warmness radiating from her. she sat there looking down at you. admiring your small face and how peaceful you looked resting your eyes. she was stroking you hair as she slowly stood up. she walked over to her bed and used one hand to pull the covers back. she placed your head on one of the pillows and she put the covers over your small body. she quickly went and changed into something more comfortable. she walked back to you with your eyes open and looking around confused.
"it's okay darling, i'm right here" she walked over and placed her hand on your cheek. she fell into her as she laid down and she pulled you into her. she slowly starting humming a lullaby for you. this was your most favorite thing ever. falling asleep cuddled close to your momma. she looked down at you falling asleep think the same exact thing. 

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