Dreams (Haku x Reader) [Spirited Away]

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Hi there! It seems like it always take some time by each update but now I'll finally update this \(*T▽T*)/

Here's a Kohaku x Reader oneshot, hope you'll enjoy reading  o((*^▽^*))o

Kohaku/Haku x Reader - Dreams

It was rather strange. Lately at the times you were going by bus to any destination wherever, you always succeeded to fall asleep. It wasn’t just a light little nap either, more likely a heavy and deep sleep.  Sure, falling asleep isn’t that remarkable one time in public, but all the time and only on bus rides? Besides, you’d never notice it either. It would always be at the last station of the bus rides that you’d wake up. No one didn’t ever seem to notice your sleeping presence in the bus, but it could also be that they didn’t mind to wake you up in your deep slumber. You just felt curious about it all. Why every time you go by bus?

“(Y/N)!” you heard someone say, and you glanced behind you. “Mom?” you said puzzled, startled by seeing your mother by the bus station.  “What are you doing here?” you asked.

“I was actually going to ask you something, could you please deliver this to an old familiar of mine? Since you’re already going in the same direction with that bus, I felt like it’d be a great opportunity because I don’t have any time left to do it myself. Would you?” she asked with a apologizing smile. You tilted your head. “An old familiar?”

She nodded and began to dig something up from the left pocket of her jacket. It was a small round object wrapped in nice decorated gift papers. Without you being able to answer, she laid the little thing in your hand and skipped away. “We’ll see each other at home later!” you heard her shout before she disappeared in the crowd on the streets. You sighed quietly, where were you supposed to leave this and where were you supposed to go? She didn’t say anything about that…

You looked down at the little object with suspicious eyes. When looking all around it, you found a tiny little paper sticking out from the side of the wrapping, and you carefully took a hold of it. Something was written in the smallest and dizziest handwriting ever on the piece of paper, you almost felt as if your eyes got clouded as you tried to read it in your head. Once you understood what was written on it, you sighed in relief. “So, it seems like it was about the same destination I was going to, more or less.” You mumbled to yourself, it was actually just a little bit further away than you were going with the bus. Oh well, why not do it?

By the time the bus arrived, you hummed to yourself and put on a pair of headphones to listen to music. Maybe music would keep you awake? You let your favorite song take over all the other songs, as you gazed out through the window at the passing landscapes. Bit by bit, without your awareness, your sleepy state came closer and closer. Until only a few minutes, you fell asleep like all those other times on the bus without noticing it.

You kept looking at the landscapes, as the sound of music from your headphones filled the silence. You smiled brightly to yourself, so the music did work then?

Suddenly, something flashed fast by in front of your eyes. It was a strong ray of light that blinded your eyesight for a short while, until you saw something in the horizon. It looked somewhat similar to an airplane, but you were pretty sure that’s not what it was. You narrowed your eyes and changed positions in your seat to get a better view of it though it disappeared as quickly as it appeared. You furrowed your brows. “How strange…” you mumbled.

“What’s strange?”

You jumped in surprise of the new voice, more overwhelming than the music. You glanced towards the seat beside you, to see a boy somewhere around your age giving you a vague smile. He had dark green hair to above his shoulders and light green eyes, staring in to your (eye/color) ones. You blinked. Where did he come from? You were sure that for just a few minutes ago there was no one sitting by that seat. “I saw something strange outside the window, it was nothing really.” You said to him and gave a polite smile. He smiled back in the same way and raised an eyebrow.

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