Studying (Seiji Amasawa x Reader) [Whisper Of The Heart]

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Hello again! It's time for another update! ^ - ^

This time it's Seiji Amasawa x Reader from Whisper Of The Heart, and I hope you'll enjoy reading (ノ'ヮ')ノ*:・゚✧

Seiji Amasawa x Reader - Studying

During several hours you've been more than just a little stressed. Recently you were almost frightened when checking the time, as it only seemed to seep through your hands quickly. In only a few hours, you'd be having one of the most difficult tests in your whole history of going to school - well that's what you interpreted it to be. It was the subject you were the least confident in, and knowing that this test would decide more than half of your grade in it didn't exactly make it better. Too bad the teachers were late with informing you about it, since then you'd have more time to study.

"Only one day studying, isn't that a bit impossible for you?" one of your friends asked, Shizuku Tsukishima, as she came to accompany you in your studying at the library of the school. Your eyes dizzily left the pages of your texts books and notes as you yawned, looking up at her. "Huh? Of course I'll manage! It's a piece of cake...!" you said and tried to smile brightly towards her.

She stared at you silently and you only blinked. "Are you for sure?"

You nodded and gave her a determined facial expression. "Couldn't be more sure-"

"The how come you have about the whole desk full with small notes, and your books in a mess? (Y/N), I don't believe you." Shizuku pointed out and sighed.

You yawned again and rubbed your eyes, getting your eyes clearer and clearer each minute. It was true, the enormous table you had occupied was full of a huge amount of notebooks and study material, and some also seemed to have escaped to the floor underneath the table. You scratched the back of your head. "Okay so... I might not have the situation under control?"

Shizuku nodded and gave you a thoughtful gaze while humming. "So it seems, would you care for some help?"

At first you almost felt like dismissing the option of help, since the remains of the time until the test kept decreasing, but then you gave it another thought. Maybe you could get some information to stay in your mind, with some help of others? "Well, that sounds nice! Though, do you have some trick to learn quickly?"

Shizuku hummed to herself and shook her head. "Not something I can think of, no. Though, I have heard of someone who might. Yet I haven't met him, but the rumors says he visit the library as often as us. Also, his name is signed up in plenty of the books I borrow. I'd like to know who that person might be too. I'll try to find him and ask for help!" she said, and rushed out of the library. It became quiet as she disappeared out of sight, and you could hear the old clock on the wall tick loudly every second. Now you were completely alone in the huge room, only for you to continue studying in peace.

Well, that's what you thought at least.

You gave out a loud yawn and picked up the topic where you last lost focus.

You tried and tried, but for some reason it always popped up more questions than answers in your studying. Perhaps it was just luck, maybe you weren't meant succeeding the test.

"Maybe I should just give up..." you mumbled and closed your tired (eye/colour) eyes. However, right at the moment you did, something hit the back of your head in full speed. At first it didn't bother you, but suddenly something else hit you. Blindly turning around and facing whatever it might have been that hit you, or who it might have been, but only to find nothing out of the usual.

You glanced around and spotted a crumbled piece of paper on your desk, which strangely wasn't there just a moment ago. Shaking your head while peaking from the corner of your eyes at the surroundings in the library, you carefully picked up the piece of paper and suspiciously unfolded it. To your surprise, it was nothing on the piece of paper.

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