Totoro's Moving Castle [Crossover]

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Totoro's Moving Castle 

"Aren't you afraid?"

 A girl with dark hair down to her shoulders, tilted her head. "What do you mean? What should I be afraid for?" She asked. 

"Of the rumor, at least it's said to be, haven't you heard of it?" A grown up woman with grey hair put up in a bun said in the entrance of the room, in which the girl where. The girl shook her head and turned around to face the woman. The old woman chuckled. "Well then Satsuki, you better listen now." 

The girl, named Satsuki, nodded slowly. "Okay mom, what is it about?" 

The woman walked over to the window and pointed at the view, which mainly just was the forest. Satsuki raised an eyebrow. "What? It's only a forest? I don't see anything besides tree's!" She exclaimed but her mother didn't reply to that. "Soon." She said and Satsuki frowned, feeling a little impatient. After a few minutes, Satsuki's mom's expression changed and she looked over at Satsuki, meaning that she should look at the window too. What's the point of it? It's only just a forest, isn't it?

Once Satsuki spotted what her mom gazed at, she immediatly changed her mind. She didn't believe her eyes. "Is that a house way back in the horizon there? Is it moving?" Satsuki said in a mere whisper. Was she starting to see things? Her mom nodded. "Yes, that's the forest spirits' moving castle. No one know so much about it, because it's hard to see. There's explaining how it works either. Some people see it, while others doesn't, that's why they call it a rumor." 

Satsuki felt a little confused. So it's like a moving castle for ghosts, no wait, spirits? Satsuki bit her lip. "And it is normal for people to see it?" She asked. Her mom smiled. "Only if you believe things people normally would dismiss." The woman said and started to walk out of her daughters room. "Oh and by the way, the rumor also says that the spirits steals nuts, be aware because I know you like them." Her mom added and closed the door with a warm joking smile. 

Satsuki sat down at her chair again. So a moving castle for spirits? A rumor, in which some people could confirm to be true, while some didn't believe it because they couldn't? Satsuki furrowed her eyebrows. She couldn't believe it, though she did see Totoro for some time ago, so why not? Satsuki grinned. "Seems like a mystery! I'll talk to Mei about it! We can probably solve this case!"

Satsuki ran out of her room in a search for her little sister. 


Satsuki breathed in deeply and exhaled just as deep. "I've been running around everywhere in the neigborhood, but with no case of her, where have she disappeared to?" she mumbled quietly to herself, still looking around. 

"Hey Satsuki!!" 

She turned around to the voice, hoping that it was Mei, though it turned out to be her friend Kanta. He ran in full speed at her with a big grin. Satsuki had a feeling she should back away so he wouldn't end up crashing in to her, but she didn't. He wouldn't trip, right?

"Have you heard-"

Of course he would.

Satsuki ended up on the ground with Kanta beside her. He widened his eyes and quickly shoot up, a little blush being visible on his cheeks. "Sorry." He said and scratched his head. Satsuki giggled and sat up, a faint little blush being visible on her cheeks too. "It's okay, though think about you being seventeen now I thought you would have learned to run without tripping on air." she said a little jokingly and Kanta pouted with another blush.

"So what did you want to tell me?" 

He shook away his blush away and smiled at Satsuki. "Mei told me she have seen Totoro again! After such a long time, I'm sure both of you have missed that fluffy forest spirit alot!" he exclaimed. She froze, not believing her ears. "Mei did?! Where is she now?" 

He looked at her with a confused expression. "Oh um, she walked in to the forest for not so long ago, saying something about people stealing her peanuts." 

Wait, stealing her peanuts? Satsuki raised one her eyebrows. It sounds like something from the rumor, because it did say that they stole nuts. Maybe she also knows about the rumor, if she have seen Totoro and is walking around in the forest? "Huh? Okay, Kanta you must show me where she went!" 

He pointed with a puzzled look at the left direction, behind her. She nodded. "Thanks! Come on!"

She grabbed the hold of his hand and started to run of at the direction, without a now furiously blushing Kanta being able to reply.



"Mei! Where are you?" 

"Mei! You are here right?"

They both shouted once being in the forest, every word echoing after them. There was no sign of her, she was definitely not in this area anymore. Hopefully she haven't gone that long ahead of them. She probably wasn't lost either, since she's ten now and she knew the forest around here by now, so Satsuki wasn't worried. Maybe Mei found the rumor before she did? 

Suddenly, to interrupt her thoughts, she felt raindrops falling down on her head. A loud thunder was heard in the background and light flashed in front of their eyes. Lightening. It's not so good to be standing up or even being outside when that was. Kanta came closer to her. "We can't be out here anymore, we need to find shelter or else our clothes will be get soaked." Satsuki nodded and they stared to run ahead of them, seeing a little opening in front of them with the possibilty to have shelter. The rain was pouring down but suddenly they spotted something house-like in front of them, even if it was blurry. 

Once being by the entrance of it, with a ceiling above them, things got less blurry. They noticed that the house wasn't just a "house" it was something else. It was a huge house, looking out of this world. It had decorations nobody could ever think of, mixed together. No, it wasn't a house, it was a castle. It was the moving castle from the rumor. Satsuki stared at the door ahead of her and then back at Kanta, who was oblivious to the rumor but was still curious about this.

Satsuki started walking up the stairs, a bit nervous but not even a little bit afraid. 

The door opened slowly. Satsuki stopped in her steps for a secound, hoping for the best.

Two familiar faces peaked out from behind the door. "Hey! Satsuki! Want to come in here and see the castle? It's amazing!" Satsuki's little sister said. Mei was standing in front of her, holding an umbrella and smiled wide. So she did find the castle and Totoro first? Satsuki sighed and giggled lightly, walking up the last steps of the stairs with Kanta following her. 

Totoro stood behind Mei, holding his little umbrella. 

So, it was Totoro's moving castle then? 

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