Being Lucky - [The Cat Returns]

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Hey there again! Now it's time for another update of this! ( ^ o ^ )

This time it's a oneshot of The Cat Returns, with some bits of Haru x Baron in it! Hope you'll enjoy reading o((*^▽^*))o

 The Cat Returns - Being Lucky

 By the sound of a loud noise outside the window, another sound of a yawn complemented it from inside the room. The young woman, named Haru Yoshioka, took the familiar sounds as a sign of awaking from her deep and comfortable sleep. Recently, she didn’t even need an alarm clock, that loud noise which seemed to come from an animal of some sort, always succeed to wake her up at the right time.

The early mornings was strangely more achievable now than what they were before. Though, the cause of that might be because of her little adventure with cats, it changed many things. Many things seemed easier now, and many things that seemed impossible became more possible than ever. Her life made a turn at the brighter direction after the adventure, and people in her surroundings could see the change as clear as she. She kind of missed it a little bit, as more time passed the more it felt surreal. Did she really become a cat? Did she really meet Baron, Muta and Toto? Did she actually travel to the Cat Kingdom? Nowadays, it felt like a fading dream.

“Oh well, being lost in thoughts isn’t what I’m supposed to be doing now, I must get ready for the last day of school!” Haru said as she climbed out of her bed. Though, when she did, she couldn’t help but notice the distance it was between her bed and the floor, like it grew into a major height difference since last night. “Weird, but it’s probably nothing…” she mumbled.

Her brown eyes darted around in the room. Wasn’t the room different as well? It was enormous, but this couldn’t have been anyone else’s but her room. So, maybe her eyes was playing a prank with her? Everything seemed so huge, even her own clothes. It must be something with her eyesight, it can’t be anything else. Or maybe this was a trick of some sort? Though, who would trick her with things like this, this is definitely one of those things impossible to find reasoning to.

Once she entered the kitchen after having troubles with her school uniform not fitting, she found her mom sitting by the dinner table eating breakfast. Haru smiled brightly to herself, seeing as her mom decided to wake up this early and accompany her. “Good morning mom!”

No answer came, as the older woman chewed on her sandwich slowly.

“Not even a glance huh? Mom must be deep in thought like always.” Haru mumbled with a chuckle and shook her head jokingly. However her cheerful mod changed with ease when noticing the troubles of sitting beside her mom by the table, or even making it up to the chair. She almost had to jump up to the chair! How did that even work? She couldn’t have shrunk, could she?

“Hey! You! What are you doing by the dinner table?” her mom finally said, with wide eyes.

Haru sighed and smiled. “So you finally noticed me now, huh?”

Her mom stared at her with curious eyes. She sighed and slumped her shoulders. “Well, it doesn’t matter. I’m surely overworking myself again…”

Without a single trace of intending a joke noticed, Haru tilted her head. “What do you mean by that?”

Without any more words, the older woman stood up from her chair and waltzed out of the kitchen. Haru glanced at her from the corner of her eyes, what was really happening?

“Oh well, school is waiting, better hurry!” Haru exclaimed, when trying to pep herself. She stumbled out of the house with everything needed for the day and began walking down the streets towards her school. It sure wasn’t only her house that felt different. The pavements, the roads, the houses and the people, why did they all feel so abnormally huge just today? Though, it was most likely only in her mind. She must be imagining things, of course. Because of the nervousness for this day, it must have gone on her nerves and made her quite dizzy today. It was probably only natural with this all!

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