Strangers Ashitaka x Reader [Princess Mononoke]

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Strangers Ashitaka x Reader

You always knew that this time would come. It was like a untold fate or destiny. Like it just needed to happen.

Now you were completely lost in the woods around this area, as you walked and walked. This morning, you'd decided together with your friends to take the chance of exploring the forest. Even if it was dangerous. You and your friends wanted to try it, since the only time you've been in the forest is when you travelled from your village. But... the thing didn't at all turn out like you thought...

You lowered your (eye/colour) eyes. The sun glimpsed at you from behind the enormus tree's and slowly but surely met the horizon. It would soon get dark and here you sat, taking a break to sit on a stone.

You and your friends got seperated almost at the exact moment you stepped in the forest. You've searched from them for a while now, but to no avail, instead you ended up sitting on a stone in the middle of the forest.

Maybe the forest was dangerous after all? Maybe all those tales about the forest was true? Maybe those spirits did exsist after all? What about the Shishigami? The deadly curse? You tilted your head. Nah, you still don't have a proof that it is. For now, the forest didn't seem that much like a treat, or what's in it. It just made you get lost. 

 You stood up from the stone and started walking ahead. You really wondered where your friends went, since you ended up all alone. Hopefully, they found a way home, or to get some help. Of course they'd remember you, they had to remember you. They say that you shouldn't be out in the forest when the darkness raises.

"Hmm..." you mumbled. You kept on walking, as small sounds started coming in to your hearing. You glanced behind you, but nothing were in sight. "Weird..." You whispered. It almost sounded like voices.

The last glimpse of light swept through and you barely caught a hold of it, until it disappeared. You blinked as the new darkness came across your view. Your eyes merely got used to it, as you narrowed your eyes as a chance for seeing. "This just got much more difficult." You said quietly to yourself as the voices kept coming from the background. Both voices and darkness? You could say that it was turning in to one of those tales they had at the village, with those spirits.

Gosh, now you really wanted to get back to the village. 

You were lost in the darkness, along with these voices following you, in this huge unexplored forest. Though, you still held your head up high and didn't stop yourself from walking. "I'm going to make it out of here, either the nature wants it or not!" You're not giving up, there just has to be a way home. You started fasten your pace until you fully ran through the forest. The forest's not going to stop you!

The voices kept up with you and you raised your eyebrows. So they're following you after all? You kept running, until you crashed in to something. Something firm and a thick layer of hair? Your eyes widened in shock as small sounds came from the thing you walked in to. It seemed like one of those spirits, the ones people warned you about in the village. You backed away slowly and met a tree with your back. Seems like you just woke up the spirit. Well, this really wasn't your day, was it?

"S-Sorry?" You quickly said to the now moving siluette in the darkness. It came closer and started saying something. Though, you couldn't get a hold of what it said. You shook your head nervously and started running away again, away from the spirit and away from the sounds. Of course they followed you, but this time they were at a great distance.

You exhaled deeply and hid behind a tree. Okay, so that's one proof, it is dangerous in this forest and from what you understood by now, spirits does also exist. You sighed as you slowly glided down against the tree. The voices disappeared as you rested against the old tree. You grimaced an winced a bit. For some reason, you felt really sleepy. You didn't even remember how long you've been in the forest, now you didn't even remember why. 

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