Mystery (Arren x Reader) [Tales Of Earthsea]

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Hi there again! Here comes another update, and I'm working on more to come soon! °˖✧◝( ^ ▿ ^ )◜✧˖°

Well, I hope you'll enjoy reading (/・ω・)/

Arren x Reader - Mystery

Outskirts of the city of Hort Town, metallic noises cut through the calm of the evening. Not quite as visible for the eyes of the citizens nor conspicuous as it would seem on midday. Now, the shadows grew larger by each second, and the darkness lured around every corner eagerly awaiting the night. As the last bright rays of sunlight began to falter, the clearer the metallic noises became. Only by hearing it faintly, one could almost foretell what made the sounds. A sword.

You were travelling along the broad trail, wherein the end continued until the horizon or the City, whatever were closest you figured. Walking in front of you were a tall man wearing a long dark black coat and holding into a stick. "Sparrowhawk, can I ask you a question?"

"If you wish to, then certainly (Y/N). What is that you want?" the man, named Sparrowhawk, replied and turned his head slightly towards you while slowing down his pace.

You glanced down at your feet, and then back at him. "How and why did you find me?"

Sparrowhawk were silent for a great while, unusually long while for being him. He suddenly stopped abrupt, and made a gesture for you to do so as well. Curiously, you did as he wanted, and remained silent. He placed his stick on the ground firmly and stared cautiously ahead, meanwhile sounds of a vehicles came into your hearing.

"Seems like we've got company." He finally said, and began to walk again. You raised an eyebrow and stared at him clueless of what he was getting at. Though, whether it was luck or not, the mystery unrevealed itself earlier than you thought. At first, you expected the vehicle to be a wagon of gods, but it turned out that it only were a pair of horses and an empty wagon. You glanced at Sparrowhawk, not understanding at all what was occurring. "What is this?"

"Trouble." He answered simply, with no intention of giving more of an answer at the moment. Your eyes widened as he without warning gripped your wrist in rushed ahead on the trail, until you two reached the point where the trail were crossed by another trail. Sparrowhawk sighed and shook his head.

"(Y/N) it seems like we'll be arriving a bit later than thought to Hort Town. I need to help this fellow ahead, do you want to follow me or stay put?" he asked, urgently wanting an answer. You tilted your head uncomprehendingly at him. "Is someone in danger? I guess I have no choice than staying with you, it's after all pitch black outside." You answered and shrugged.

Sparrowhawk nodded and began to walk through the crossed paths, choosing the one leading the opposite way to Hort Town. You two walked in silence for quite some time, until you heard sounds again. This time, the sounds surely didn't resemble any vehicle. Nor voices. It was some sort of metallic noises, as if a metal bar scraped against the ground. As you came closer through the sounds, they began to echo all around you, surrounding both you and Sparrowhawk in nothing but those noises.

Suddenly, you came up to realization. You knew what made those sounds. It was quite clear actually, when you finally understood what it was. It must be a sword, as in someone fighting a little further away. "Is it some sort of battle going on?" you asked Sparrowhawk quietly. Sparrowhawk nodded slowly and pointed at a wooden area close by. "In there, more exactly."

As you two arrived to the said place, you hid behind one of the trees secretively and observed the scene. Sparrowhawk made a move to approach the battle, being as calm as usual. Between the trees, you glanced at the fight. It seemed to be four against one, three adult men against a young boy. How unfair, you thought and frowned. What were they fighting for? And out here?

"So, boy, how do you want it?" one of the men said, giving a frightful expression towards the boy. The boy, with brown hair and brown eyes, didn't reply to that. He didn't seem so intimidated by them, quite the opposite, at least that's what his eyes made you interpret. Somehow, you found him familiar, but you don't remember why. Who was he?

"I'm not going with you, and I'd like to see you try to change that." The boy said and shook his head, to which the tree mean snorted at. His voice reminded you of someone too, but from who? You shook your thoughts away and focused on what was happening, until you saw the three men going for an attack on the boy. Your breath hitched and you felt like doing something, until you saw how Sparrowhawk made an entrance on the scene. You sighed in relief and smiled, because you knew that the battle would end as soon as possible now as the wizard interfered.

However, he didn't take action in it immediately. He approached them slowly, as the boy tried and succeeded to defend himself against the three. He succeeded to knock the three of them out, only with a few movements of his sword. His eyes showed the same emotion as before, until he spotted Sparrowhawk. Suddenly, his facial expression changed into a gentle and relaxed one, before he collapsed on the ground. Sparrowhawk hurried over to him worriedly and patted his shoulder. "Are you okay boy?"

The boy didn't reply, but seemed to have fallen into a deep slumber. Sparrowhawk glanced back at you and waved his hand, "It's alright, you can come here now (Y/N)."

You ran up to them and sat beside the two. "What was this all about? Who is this boy?"

"All I know of is that this boy was in need of help, but we can surely ask of his name once he wakes up." Sparrowhawk assured and smiled reassuringly at you. You nodded at him and looked at the boy carefully, as if he'd wake up any minute.

It didn't take as long time than you thought it would, until the boy woke up. But once he did, you didn't realize that you still looked at him curiously, and kind of closer to him than you thought you were. The two of you jumped in surprise and stared at each other, and you swore a little embarrassed blush raised on his cheeks. You blushed a little too, at how adorable he looked. Sparrowhawk chuckled in the background and smiled warmly at the two of you. The boy continued to stare at you and tilted his head, "Who are you two? What happened? Where am I?"

You glanced at Sparrowhawk, whom smiled at the boy. "I'm Sparrowhawk, the one sitting beside you is (Y/N). It seemed like you were in a battle with the knocked out men over there, so we thought we could help you, but you didn't seem to need so much help."

The boy nodded and looked down, looking a bit lost. You smiled at him cheerfully and patted his shoulder. "So, what might your name be?"

"My name's Arren." He replied, still looking bothered. Your eyes widened and your mouth was agape, Arren? Now you knew exactly why he was familiar to you. Even up close to him like this, you could see that you've meet him before. For a little time ago, you meet him when he rescued you from a pair of bandits, but you were pretty sure he didn't seem like this. By then, he seemed more distant, so most likely he'd have no chance of remembering you. Though, you were really grateful for his help. Also Sparrowhawk's help, since he took you in when you had nowhere to go.

You held out a hand towards Arren and smiled warmly. "Nice to meet you Arren, I hope we can be friends!"

Arren stared at you hand for a second, then he nodded and returned a smile to you. "Yes please!"

Sparrowhawk coughed and stood up. "If you two lovebirds are done, I think it's time for us to move on to Hort Town. Arren, would you like to follow us?"

Both you and Arren stood up and smiled at him. "Sure, let's go there!"

As the three of you travelled to Hort Town, you couldn't help but notice that sword of his. It seemed rather peculiar in your opinion, but you dismissed the thought. You just couldn't understand that you meet him again, since the chances of that were slim. Perhaps with this time together with him, you could find out more about him?

The first rays of sunlight made its way upon the horizon, as the three of you arrived to Hort Town. You had a feeling that a lot would await you three from now on.

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Jun 15, 2015 ⏰

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