Lost (Haku x Reader) [Spirited Away]

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Hey everyone reading! ^^ Here's a Haku/Kohaku x Reader oneshot from Spirited Away, I hope you enjoy reading ^_^

Haku/Kohaku x Reader - Lost 

You exhaled deeply and exhaustedly wiped the sweat from your forehead. The sun rose above you as you kept walking through the thick and long field of wildly growing grass. You didn't even know how long you've been walking, but you know it's been quite some while. You didn't know what you searched after almost, probably just elsewhere. Or maybe to explore this area, at first, but to which you got lost at.

You got separated from your parents in this giant area by an enormous old building, since then you walked aimlessly around here in the field. You didn't even remember how you got separated from them, you just did. It couldn't be that good either, now that you forgot where you came from as you and your parents walked in to this field. 

You sighed. "Did we really just need to go around exploring?"

You stared out in front of you, as you kept on walking with tired legs. Where was everything? It was so empty from any houses or people here; the only thing you could see here was grass and stones. You walked a little further and spotted something in the distance. You rubbed your (Eye/color) eyes and blinked. "A town..?" A smile tugged at your lips. Your eyes didn't seem to play tricks on you, no, it was actually a little town ahead of you. You quickly fasten your pace and skipped to it with light steps. "If there's a town there, maybe someone can help me find my way home again?" You mumbled to yourself happily. With a bit of luck, maybe your parents waited on you there?

As you came close to the town, you stopped walking. You glanced around in the town, and to your shock and disappointment, it was empty from people. Still no people? You shrugged your shoulders. Maybe there's someone working in the shops here that could help? People in this town might just be inside their houses after all.

You came across a huge stairway and huffed, you had barely any energy left to walk anymore. Though, you slowly stumbled up the stairs to the new part of the town. Now you could smell something in the air. What was that? It did smell pretty good actually... Maybe someone worked at the food stands? 

"Um, Hello?" You asked as you came closer to the food stands. You scratched the back of your head when you noticed that it was empty from people there too. "Weird..." You whispered to yourself. Your gaze landed on all the different kinds of food on the counter, smelling really good. So that's were the smell came from? You tilted your head. "Why would somebody just leave tasty food like this out here for random people to just take?" You asked yourself curiously. Your stomach growled, but was it really a good idea to snatch a bit of the food from the counter? Nah, that would cause many troubles since you neither had money or knew what it was. 

"Hello, is there anyone here?" You tried again, walking to all different kinds of food stands. When no one answered, you shrugged your shoulders and sat down by one of the food stands chairs. "Seems like help wasn't available here, huh..." Strangely enough, every food stand had about the same food. Well, probably not just the same food, but it looked like nothing you've ever seen before. "What kind of town is this..?" 

You sneaked a peak at the food again as your stomach growled. 

 "No, stomach no, you are not going to eat now, no." You argued with your grumpy stomach. 

But the food did look kind of tasty...

And you hadn't eaten in a while...

And your stomach just had to keep bothering you...

...So maybe just a little piece of food wouldn't hurt?

You picked up a tiny slice of the thing that looked the most appeticing, and hesitantly raised it to your mouth. Just as you were about to place it in your mouth, a hand firmly gripped your shoulder. "I agree with you, you shouldn't let that stomach of yours decide." 

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