Lost (Haku x Reader) [Spirited Away] {Part 2}

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Hey, it's been a while! But here's a part two to "Lost" (Haku x reader oneshot) and I hope you'll enjoy reading (*^ワ^*)

Haku/Kohaku x Reader - Lost (part 2)

You quietly passed the old and overgrown path, carefully sneaking a peak at it from the corner of your eyes. You always had this feeling inside you when you saw it, the little way full of grass and bushes that keeps increasing around the area because no one treats it nor cares so much for it. When going there, it felt like leaping through time, to that spot where absolutely no one would find or even try to find. Well, besides you and your family that is. It’s been a while since you and your parents went here, but the memory is kept just as clear as if it happened yesterday. Though, strangely enough neither your mom or dad remembers it, they just blankly stare at you while you try to explain what happened. But they didn’t comprehend or believe that you said before about it either, so that could a reason why too.

”Hmm… I wonder what happened with that boy…” You mumbled to yourself, as you began walking again, hesitating for a moment not to cross the path once again. You shook your head and sighed, after all, there’s been plenty of times where nothing happened once you came to the huge building in the forest, you just couldn’t find that field and town again. Thinking about it, why did you in the first place? Was it because of those mysteries that laid hidden behind it all, to which you wanted to solve or was it because of the helpfull boy? The boy you for some reason happened to know the name of in the end, Kohaku?

”(Y/N)? What are you doing here?” You swiftly turned around to face the new voice, only to meet a curious pair of eyes. You jumped back a few steps, feeling surprised by the newly arrived person standing near you. ”Who are you?” you asked stunned. The person, who looked somewhat simliar to you, dusted of his shirt and smiled. ”I’m one of your new neighbours, don’t you remember?”

You shook your head slowly. ”I don’t think I’ve seen you before, but you do look a bit familiar…”

”Well well, then that may be because you haven’t seen me on a while, time has actually passed since I moved in here. However, nevermind, I’d just like to ask what you’re doing by this abandoned area?” The boy said, tilting his head with a smile and giving you a curious stare with his green orbs. You smiled back at him puzzled. ”No, well, I was just walking by, why would you ask?”

The boy shook his head. ”Is that so? I was just wondering because no one seem to have noticed this area before. It’s almost as if it’s invisible isn’t it?”

You batted your (eye/colour) eyes at him, before nodding. ”Yes, it seems like it at least. By the way, what might your name be? Since you already know my name, we must have meet before like you said.”

”You can call me Haku.” The boy said, as he began walking away in to the opposite direction, disappearing deep within the path himself. With a confused facial expression, you faced the different direction, this time heading to your home.  How weird, that boy’s name sounded familiar to the boy you met beyond that path, in the field and the town. Kohaku and Haku?

You shrugged your shoulders, ”Must be a coincidence.”


When finally being home again, you huffed lightly and sat down on a chair. ”Time for some homework then…” You were just about to pick up your books to study, once you heard a knocking on the front door. Scratching the back of your head, you went to open the front door. ”Hello?”

No answer came and you glimpsed through the door, to reveal no one standing there. You furrowed your brows. ”Hello, is there someone there?” you asked once again, but there was no reply. You raised an eyebrow and went back inside, maybe it was just your imagination that knocked on the door.

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