Pranks...! (Howl x Reader) [Howl's Moving Castle]

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 Hey, here's another Howl x reader oneshot, hope you enjoy reading (*^ワ^*)

Howl x Reader Pranks...!

 For some reason, you just loved playing pranks on Howl. You didn’t even know why, but it was like your hobby nowadays. Okay, maybe it was because of his reactions. I didn’t really matter what you did and which level the pranks were on, it still turned out amazingly fun to you and the others. You also knew that Howl wasn’t so amused by the pranks, but that haven’t stopped you. He doesn’t even complain, which makes you even more confident in it.  You’d never have thought that it would have turned out like this since you’ve never really been that prankster. Though, on that particular day, when you first arrived at Howl’s moving castle, something changed.  If you remembered right, from all those days ago, he was the one who started it. He pulled a prank on you first. Too bad you had no memory of what the prank was about.  If you didn’t know better, you’d thought he used magic to make you forget…

 Ever since that day, you began your little pranks against Howl.

You skipped down the stairs with a sly smirk and sat down by the kitchen table. Once you sat down by the kitchen table, you placed your notebook on the table and sneakily started scribbling in it. Of course this wasn’t just a notebook; this was your special notebook with all your mischievous pranks in it and no one have ever peaked inside of it besides you. Every time you come up with an idea, you scribble it down in the book. Thankfully, Howl hasn’t found it yet, because then he’d be prepared on them. Although, you did keep this little notebook hidden and safe away from him… you think.

“So what might dear little (y/n) be up to today? Some pranks maybe?”  Your breath hitched at the sudden voice, but then relaxed when you noticed that it wasn’t Howl. That voice belonged to no one else than the little fire in the stove, also known as the demon Calcifer. He started chuckling at you when you hid your notebook behind your back. “Did you read it?”

“How do you think I’d be able to do that? From over here it’s impossible to see, you know?” He explained and you let out a relieved sigh.

“Good, because not even you or Markl can get to know this prank before it sets in action.” You said and smiled with a mischievous tint in your eyes.

“Sure, but wouldn’t think that a demon like me would figure it out?  I’m pretty sure this prank will get very different from the others?" He said and started laughing a little bit. That's what he says about every time you're about to do the pranks, which actually is like a daily routine in way. On the contrary from at the usual, this wasn't just more different from the others, this prank would be the greatest one yet. 

You breathed in deeply and giggled. Yes, Howl's going to be so shocked by this prank! "I'm sure you'll be surprised at the end of this day too, not just Howl." You said with a smile. Calcifer looked at you with a suspecting gaze. "Hehe, you'll never know..."

You raised an eyebrow. What was that supposed to mean?

You shrugged your shoulders. Demons, to trust them or not that's the question. You went back to scribble in your notebook again.

Now it's only to wait for Howl to come back home.


 "This will just be pure awesomeness!" You cheered to yourself when your were done with scribbling and planning the prank. Two curious eyes landed on you and you just shook your head. "Nope, I'll tell after Howl comes home, I've said it already." 

The little demon chuckled. "Suit yourself, then I won't spoil anything either."

Wait just a moment now. Spoil? What did the demon imply with that? Was he up to a prank too? You tilted your head. "Huh?" 

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