10.Marks with Stories

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"Out of suffering have emerged the strongest souls; the most massive characters are seared with scars." 
― Kahlil Gibran

They almost acted like a normal couple for a few days. I repeat, almost; don't get the wrong idea. Don't think they could act like normal, responsible people, who open up and talk to each other about things, for too long. C'mon, you should know them by now.

They hung out, for the first time, in a regular way, after they kissed. He was supposed to meet her at the agreed place, but she decided to pay him a visit instead.

She walked through the front door and approached the secretary.

"Oh, you again." The woman "greeted" slowly.

"Hello, Marilyn." She answered with a smile.

"How do you know my name?" this time, for the first time ever, she spoke faster than usual.

"I know a lot of things!" The woman decided not to respond "So, is Thomas around?"

"You need to fix anything again?"

"No, Marilyn, just decided to visit him." This time's smile, was more of a smirk. As if she wanted to provoke her.

The woman got tired of listening to her "Yes, he's around. Try the locker rooms."

"Thank you!"

She walked through the corridors and the locker rooms door was closed. She knocked hesitantly and heard a familiar voice answering "Come in!"

She opened carefully "Is it safe to look?"

"Gwen?" he got excessively excited all of a sudden. He had a towel covering his torso and he also had shorts so yes, it was safe to look "I thought we were meeting at the mall."

She shrugged her shoulders with an innocent smile "Just thought you'd like to be visited."

"Yes, I do! Hold on, I just need to put on a shirt."

She wanted to look away but she couldn't. She was a girl, right ("was", well, she still is)? She just wanted to see what he had to his favor. Evidently, when he dropped his towel, he wasn't really looking, so she stared - hard. He had a lot to be proud of. He had a great figure. So she kept staring until she noticed something odd on his arm. Above his right shoulder he had a scar.

She walked closer to him to see clearer; it was a long scar  "What the hell happened to you?"

He looked over his arm and chuckled. "Oh that's a funny story."

"Doesn't look very amusing."

He finished putting on his t-shirt and sat down "Story time!" she sat next to him and pretended to have a bag of popcorns "My best friend, Matt, he's a year older and in college, he's supposed to come home for a visit...well anyways, we met back when we were very young on the basis, he's the son of a sergeant too, so we learned our Military stuff together. I was 17 when he learned to shoot, so about a year ago and well, I was quite close to the whole training he was doing; in one moment he was loading his gun, in the other he was firing it and I was sort of in the way. Luckily, it was just a scratch. A big graze, but all I needed was a few hours in the waiting room at the hospital so it would stop bleeding."

"Holy fuck. That sounds like it was a little bit painful."

"Yeah, but I've heard girls love scars."

"It...well, I don't know, I kind of like it."

He liked the answer but decided not to push it "Now I have this reminder that I got shot. It's very - as you'd say - neat."

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