Chapter 1 // Tardy Naegi Makoto

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Outside of the house were birds perched up on a tree branch, chirping their sweet morning tunes.
The light of early morning was being strained by blinds, giving the dark bedroom a dim glow.
In a messy bed was a boy tangled in the bedsheets, unknowingly late for his train.
"Makoto! You're going to be late!" A girl's voice called from across the house. The messy haired boy groaned, stretching his arm to reach his phone. "6:20AM", it read. "...Shoot." The boy scrambled to his feet, slipping on his usual bright red sneakers along with his school uniform. "You're already in your second year of high school Makoto! You have to get a better morning routine..." The boy's sister Komaru lectured him. "Whatever, Komaru. See you later!" The boy said, ignoring his sister's words.

"Damnit, damnit..." The high school boy continued to curse as he sprinted toward the small train station located not far from his own home.

This was Naegi Makoto, a 16 year old junior high school student. Late for his train on his very first day back at school.

Despite Naegi having set multiple alarms in the hopes that he'd wake up on time for school at least once, he was still running to the train station, late as he had woken up to none of his alarms.

Well... I guess you could say that was just his luck.

Naegi wasn't a stickler for the rules, but not a complete rebel who didn't believe in education. You could say he was one of the most average high schoolers you could come across, being that he wasn't all that interesting. He had no redeeming qualities not being talented nor gifted. His family was quite average, consisting of Naegi, his mother, father and sister. There was nothing that made him any different or better than anyone else.

Living such a bland life, it was a bit surprising when someone did want to talk to him. Someone who mightn't have been so average.

"Just in time." The boy spoke aloud, looking at the time. It was 6:45AM. Naegi was surprised he'd made it in time for his train, considering his terrible time management.

"Tsk...You should be more punctual." A much taller boy looked down at the brunette with disgust. "I know, I just slept in." The shorter boy scratched the back of his neck, laughing nervously. "I'm Naegi. Naegi Makoto." Naegi put out a hand for a handshake. "I politely decline your social conventions." The tall boy crossed his arms, continuing to stand in place. "What subway are you catching?" Naegi asked. A long silence followed, the blonde continuing to return only a cold glare.

After that followed four minutes of complete silence between the two before a train came to a complete stop in front of them, only several people exiting from the crowd from within the train.

"...Oh, my train's here. See you later." Naegi made his way into the crowded bus, the other boy doing the same with slight hesitance. Ah, he had gotten on with Naegi.

"This must be his train too, then." Naegi thought to himself.

For the rest of the trip, the two travelled in awkward silence.

Naegi noticed the other boy's uniform. It belonged to a private school in Tokyo with a high reputation. There was a school emblem sewn onto the hem of the blazer that the student wore over a plain button up shirt, a tie completing the look. His glasses only made him look more professional than he already did. His face was plastered by a monotone expression that never seemed to falter. He seemed a bit too serious for Naegi's likings, actually.

Finally, the vehicle came to a halt. "This is my stop. Bye!" Naegi hopped off of the train. The two exchanged glances once more before Naegi ran off to his school.


"Hey Komaru." Naegi waved to the girl as he made his way inside. "How was the first day back at school?" Komaru asked cheerily. "I guess— actually, pretty good." Naegi answered with a smile, making his way to his room. Naegi dumped his bag on the floor, kicking off his shoes and laying on his bed, staring at the ceiling of his room.

It was odd... interacting with someone outside of school. Well, not really. Naegi had small conversations between a student from a neighbouring school on the train, but he hadn't met someone as cold as the blonde before. It was also odd to Naegi how he didn't even offer his name.

Heh, maybe it was for personal reasons. There's nothing wrong with not trusting someone you just met, right?

Naegi slowly drifted off to sleep by the sounds of the fan whirring in his room that night, continuing to have his mind flooded by thoughts of the boy.



I did edit this. I honestly hated how it was so fast paced in the beginning. I was unsure of whether to add a new chapter entirely, but I just thought it'd be better to improve the flow. It's still really rushed as you can tell, though

I still hate the beginning, but at least its rushed a bit less

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