Chapter 13 // Don't leave me

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Three weeks into their second semester and Naegi was still trying to comprehend what he was learning in class. So far, something about physics was all Naegi understood in Science. Math was mostly a blur, and English... ehh. Naegi wasn't too bad at Japanese. Today was a Friday, fifth period. Now he had Japanese.

Usually Naegi wasn't too bad at any subjects, managing to scrape by most of the time, but the start of the semester had just been so confusing, Naegi could barely understand half of the things his teacher was saying in class.

Luckily, he was actually pretty decent at Japanese. Some of the subjects he was good at was Art and Japanese, and he was very thankful for that.

Naegi started to break away from reality into a world of only his thoughts. Naegi barely understood most of his subjects at school at this point. Music was a struggle for him, since he wasn't a very good singer and he could barely read music. Math was another subject Naegi struggled with. At this point, Math was only letters and numbers to him. Science also seemed to be one of his weak points. He wasn't too good at Chemistry or Biology, and he was just and just understanding physics.

Naegi's head was spinning in his mind. He didn't want to have to bother anyone with his problems, but he had to get some help from someone he trusted. Someone he knew could actually help him.


"How has school been?" Byakuya asked out of the blue. It was odd for Byakuya to ask Naegi about something like that. Well, it was odd for Byakuya to ask anyone about something like that.

"Honestly? Pretty terrible, I'm behind in school. I don't understand any of it..." Naegi groaned. He really hated school right now. It got too overwhelming sometimes, and everyone just got back several weeks ago!

"If I must assist you, I can come over to your house this evening and help you study." Byakuya said grumpily, crossing his arms. Naegi honestly hadn't expected Byakuya to offer helping Naegi study, but Naegi graciously accepted. He got to spend an afternoon with Byakuya, plus actually learn something? Well, he'd probably forget about the learning and just hang out with Byakuya, but either way it was worth it.

Naegi's school day was all a blur, mostly consisting of staring out of the class windows and staring off into the distance at the busy roads.


It was the afternoon. Naegi had arrived at the train station, Byakuya waiting for him. Byakuya's expression softened as he met Naegi's gaze, Byakuya's position slightly shifting as he saw Naegi approaching him. Naegi thought it was interesting to study people in order to understand them better. Analysing was what he was good at, since he never really had any other talents. He was completely average across the board apart from his analysation skills. Although Naegi could often also be pretty darn oblivious for someone who was a skilled analyser.

"There you are, Naegi. Let's get going."


Byakuya was in Naegi's room, standing above Naegi as he looked over at all of his work. Byakuya's eyes skimmed the worksheets that were on the table, the blonde seeming to be somewhat deep in thought. "I learnt this years ago. Is your class behind?" Byakuya mocked the worked Naegi thought was 'challenging'. "I don't get it. Please Byakuya, just take me seriously for once." Naegi groaned, letting his head tilt to the left side of his body.

"Tch, fine."

Honestly, Byakuya was excited to hang out with Naegi, but he didn't know how to show his excitement. He constantly pushed people away because he couldn't understand his own feelings.

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