Chapter 4 // Your phone number

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Naegi was running less late than usual, surprisingly. He'd decided to leave earlier so he'd have more time to talk to Byakuya.

And, as always, there Byakuya was. Arms crossed, standing there as he waited for the train. "Byakuya." Naegi had a serious expression, Byakuya looking over and dismissing the boy. "Byakuya, I'm sorry. I don't know what I did wrong, but I want to fix it." Naegi looked up at the taller boy hopefully. "You're forgiven, so long as you don't randomly say things like that anymore." Byakuya sighed, gazing off into the distance.

The train then arrived, both of them making their way onto it. "Oh, uhmm..." Naegi awkwardly scratched the back of his neck. "I was wondering if I could also get your phone number?" Naegi asked, nervous laughter lacing his voice. "...Fine. Give me your phone." Byakuya hesitated, snatching Naegi's phone from his grasp. Byakuya typed the digits into Naegi's phone, pausing before continuing to type his contact name. Once Byakuya was done, he just hung onto Naegi's phone. "Can I have my phone back?" Naegi tried to reach for his phone, Byakuya holding it up higher in the air so Naegi couldn't get it. "Tall people really can be bullies." Naegi laughed to himself, Byakuya cracking a small smile.

Once the train came to a halt and Naegi had to leave, Byakuya quickly put Naegi's phone in his hand. Naegi was a bit confused why Byakuya didn't want to hand it back during the train ride, but at least he got his phone back.

When he opened up contacts, he saw something he didn't expect.

"Contact name: Byakuya:)"

Right there before Naegi's eyes, Byakuya's contact was there with a smiling emoticon next to it.

"You're confusing sometimes, Byakuya."


Today had gone by surprisingly fast for Naegi. Unlike most slow school days, they had art today. Makoto was lucky it was the last period. "Since it's only your third week back, you may free draw as you please." The whole class cheered, especially one of Naegi's best friend, Asahina. "Sakura, let's draw each other!" Asahina and Ogami grabbed their sketchbooks, sitting together at a table.

Naegi decided to just stay in his seat, drawing. At first it was little doodles, then he decided to actually try and draw something.

Hmm, what to draw...

Naegi wasn't too sure what to draw, since there wasn't much on his mind apart from the blonde.

Maybe he'd draw cherry blossoms. They were easy. Plus, they were in bloom right now.

Naegi had started on the cherry blossoms, yet his thoughts were trained somewhere else. Naegi could never get that boy out of his mind. He wonder what subject he was doing right now, maybe he was still in his 5th period. He did go to a private school and one of the hardest ones to get into, after all.

Byakuya didn't seem like the type to have a lot of friends, but he surely must have one friend at his private school. Just one...

Before Naegi knew it the bell had rung, and all that was on his sheet was some odd scribbles which somewhat resembled cherry blossoms.


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