Chapter 2 // Your name

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From that day forward, Naegi was nearly late every time.

"Hh...hey..." Naegi puffed. Leaning his arms onto his knees to keep him from collapsing. "Absolutely pathetic. You are late for the fourth time in a row now. How many times will I have to meet you at the station as you come running late, nearly missing the train?" The blonde looked down on Naegi who was still panting. "You do—you do know, that lecturing me isn't going to make my behaviour magically change... right?" Naegi looked up at the taller boy, still panting. "I guess there is nothing I can do to mend your ways— even by suggestion." He sighed, the two then standing side by side waiting for the train.

Once the bus arrived, they both got on, standing in silence just like for the past few days. "So..." Naegi started a conversation. "The train was a bit late today." Naegi chuckled, the other boy's expression like stone. "What is it like at such a large private school? Surely it must be a trouble to have to travel in such a crowded train, then entering a crowded school. It's so large, too." Naegi looked over at the other boy.

"I've gotten used to it. I never cared about the population of the school. All of the students attending and paying their enrolment funds is helping to contribute to the growth of the school, so I don't have anything against the school itself. I was the one who accepted the invitation from them, of course." The blonde gazed out to see the morning sky. "You got specially scouted for by the school?" Naegi appeared somewhat shocked. "I don't mean that like you're not capable, of course not— I just mean... that's ones of the hardest schools to get into, and if they specially scouted you, so it's a pretty big deal..." Naegi trailed off, keeping his head down. "Tch. You really are a nuisance, Naegi." Byakuya scoffed.

"This is my stop." The train was readying itself to come to a halt, Naegi getting ready to leave the train. "Oh, by the way. What is your name?" Naegi looked up at the other boy. "...Byakuya." The boy said hesitantly. "Are you sure you're okay with me calling you by your first name? I feel like it's disrespectful—" Naegi got cut off. "Yes." Is all Byakuya answered before the train then came to a halt, Naegi having to leave. "Okay then..." Naegi got off the train, turning back to meet Byakuya's gaze. "See you, Byakuya."


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