C17: My New Life As A Demon Villainess

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This is ridiculous.

"I know you might still be surprised young lady jazaila, but please bear with us for the sudden changes"

The teacher asked filled with concern as I replied with a nod.

"I bet she is more delighted than you think, Marc"

That voice was from the brat who is sat in front of me with a cheeky smile.

Delighted, My ass.

"So, let us start with today's lesson?"

Tapping my fingers on the table I can't help but still glare at this brat in front of me.

I don't know what he is planning but I can sense that it's not something good.

"Seriously, what is your reason for coming here? Are you here to annoy me?"

Whispering my words to him, his side lip raised a little that it almost formed a smirk that reaction of his makes my blood boil.

"I told you, it's a secret"

He whispered back.

Argh! Even though I asked him that question it's clear that he wants to annoy me.

Seeing his face filled with satisfaction from my reaction he turned his attention to Teacher Marc, as he began to focus on listening.


Just a while ago, my head ached about the situation happening at that time. It was sudden to me and it was stressful.


Grinning in front of me like a weird person, I didn't take my glare off from this red-haired brat.

"Oh my, Jazaila seems to be flustered by our sudden guest"

Hearing what mother said, I looked up to her in a questionable face.

I wasn't flustered more like I was annoyed.

"She must have not known our guest, dear"

With my father's reply, I averted my gaze back to that person they were talking about who still didn't stop from grinning.

I know this brat, he is the person who intervened in my plans, to begin with.

But I know I can't just say that to them so I keep myself quiet and just stood there as politely as I can.

"Jazaila, this person is the Third Prince of Zentya Kingdom, Keaton Dumeires"

So, his name is Keaton...

Doing a curtsey once I heard father introduced me to the brat- I mean the prince, I politely smiled trying to control my patience while looking at his annoying face.

"It is a pleasure to meet you, Prince Keaton. My name is Jazaila Clentaz"

I tried my best to force a smile as Keaton bows back at me placing a hand at his chest.

"A pleasure to meet you too, Lady Jazaila"

He also showed a polite smile of greeting which is very new to see coming from this arrogant red-haired brat.

But it makes me curious to know why a royal member of a neighboring kingdom is here in our mansion and why it seems like the teacher is close to the prince.

"The fact that prince keaton's teacher is also Mr. Marc, it certainly is an unexpected coincidence"

Oh, so he is also my teacher's student.

My New Life As A Demon Villainess (UNDER REVISION)Where stories live. Discover now