C16: My New Life As A Demon Villainess

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"Jazaila, my dear why are you not eating your food?"

When I heard father's voice I was quickly brought back to my senses. I sat up straight as I flashed a smile to my father.

"I just remembered something, father"

Trying to make them think that I was fine, I sighed in relief when he nodded slowly as he returned a smile.

Taking a bite of the food before me, I spaced out again... Actually, something has been bothering me since a while ago.

It was somehow a sense or feeling... I don't know if I'm right but it's the same feeling when I was in the castle of the demon prince.

Just what is this feeling?

I first noticed it when I was riding the carriage back to our mansion as all of a sudden, I felt a strange feeling and I can't seem to get it out of my mind.

"Are you sure you are fine, young lady? You have been spacing out since a while ago" Maria asks while she opened the door to my bedroom.

Glancing up at her, I once again flashed a smile letting her know that I am feeling fine.

"If something is wrong, I am always willing to hear your thoughts, young lady"

Her warm smile somehow makes me feel relieved. Maria is a really sweet maid and it made me feel like she's my older sister.

Brushing my hair after she helped me in changing, I glanced at the terrace, the door before it was close and I was thinking that I should open it later since it's quite warm here inside my room.

"Good Night, Young Lady"

"Good Night, Maria"

I muttered while she turned off the lights as she slowly closes the door. Covered in my blanket, I turned to the side looking at the terrace still closed.

I had a fun and tiring day I met my friend, Neci, and not only her but I also met other supporting characters of the novel.

I was not expecting to meet them that fast but thinking back then I had already met the heroine though she didn't saw us, it was only me and Nicholas but when I realized that he was only admiring the relationship of a mother and a daughter, I felt relief.

Should I really be feeling relieved?

But that is not what I'm worried about right now, It's still in my mind... that feeling a while ago.

Argh! This is seriously bothering me!

Pushing the blanket on top of me as I kick myself to get up from bed, I walked to the door that leads to the terrace.

Slowly pushing the door, the bright moon was the first to greet me as the cold breeze embraces my body.

T-Too cold!

Wrapping the white blanket around my shoulders, I breathe in the air trying to calm myself down.

5 years since I've arrived in this world and I still haven't adjusted yet.

It's all still new to me.

From where I was when I opened my eyes...- Remembering that person's face I suddenly sensed something.

I quickly stood straight as my eyes wandered everywhere If there was someone in the area. This is the one... that similar feeling that I felt a while ago.

Gulping in nervousness, I took a step forward to the railings of the terrace.

I can't be mistaken, I think this feeling is from a place that I am very familiar with.

My New Life As A Demon Villainess (UNDER REVISION)Where stories live. Discover now