C5: My New Life As A Demon Villainess

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Did this kind of event happen in the novel?

Wait, since the novel is from the heroine's perspective, of course, it didn't state in the novel.

Then... this life is real, apart from the novel I thought it will all follow the novel's flow.

I notice that there are other people in this novel, and they have their own lives.

But I didn't know that, since this is my first time.

Who would've thought that I would reincarnate in the world of the novel I loved to read?

Having Maria tying my ribbon I couldn't help but stare at her.

The novel didn't mention her but why? She is this pretty she can even pass as being a supporting character.

"Hm? You need something, young lady?"

I quickly shook my head surprised by her sudden question, I guess I stared too much.

She then carries me and put me in the bed, I sat while she held my waist.

Pulling out a sock from a box beside her she then put it in my feet.

The maids started early preparing for the party and Maria here helped me to prepare myself.

Not helping- but basically, she's doing all the job.

Since I still can't manage because I'm a baby, I feel sorry for being of no help to her.

The other maids noticed how I favor her I tend to stare and smile at Maria a couple of times and maybe that's how they got a clue that I like her.

Maria was then assigned to me from now on.

"There, we're all done young lady" Maria who is clearly satisfied with what she's done, flashed a smile at me.

I looked at my outfit, having a blue dress with a black bow I can see that they really did match my outfit to my eyes and hair.

Well, It's cute.

I delivered a smile to maria thanking her for dressing me up.

"s-so cutee!"

I heard her whisper. I was then weirded out by how she looks, eyeing me and all blushing.

Y-Yeah, she also has this weird side.

"Now, why don't we go to the party, young lady?"

She held my back as she carries me.

I just nodded at her in reply.

Actually, I have never experienced a party being held for me before.

In my past life, my mom and I would just eat outside, sometimes she would just call me by phone.

Rine would also just give me a present at school and treat me to a café.

I never experienced a big celebration held for me.

It's a first.

Maria carried me through the halls as I glanced at the walls and the interior of the mansion.

This is also my first time... living in a rich house.

Just look at every corner you can see different vases with gold in their outer design and even the frames.

I didn't know they were this kind of rich.

"It's the young lady"

Suddenly I hear whispers around that made me glance at the corner where I saw servants and maids of this mansion.

My New Life As A Demon Villainess (UNDER REVISION)Where stories live. Discover now