C11: My New Life As A Demon Villainess

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After what happened, for a week now I've been starting my private lessons. Father even searched for the best teacher there is in the kingdom, I've been telling him not to but being the person he is, he insisted and said, "Only the best for my sweetheart".

I didn't expect him to be such a doting father but knowing he was also spoiling jazaila back in the novel, I guess I can understand why he is like this to me.

Just after the first meeting with the male lead, father discovered that the crown prince was discussing to me about politics.

And you could've seen his face as he looked at me, it was as if he was seeing a miracle genius baby standing in front of him.

I was surprised he knows about the prince talking to me about politics, but maybe he heard it from the maids who were with us at that time.

And now, he decided to have me under early education, the reason was also so that I can have more knowledge about politics, you know to talk more to the prince but it somehow helped me in speaking well.

The king was unexpectedly delighted to hear everything. And was very excited to send his son here to visit me.

Those two... really are partners in crime.

I'm sorry to the both of you but I have no plan to deepen my relationship with the crown prince, Unless I want to die then I will proceed with that idea.

Right, I must be careful of my actions to the prince.

Since he is the path to my death, I don't want to do anything with him besides just being acquaintances or friends.

And in my situation now...

Slowly, I placed my brush on the table as I placed my palm on the piece of paper in front of me. Raising my head, I glanced at the person in front of me who's elegantly drinking his tea as he slowly puts his cup back on the table.

Noticing my stare, he looked up as our eyes met. He smiled politely as he took a paper from the table.

Raising my eyebrows in confusion when he held the paper to me.


"Your suggestion lady jazaila was certainly helpful, I've told the board of noble council and they quickly accepted my help, father also reflected in his actions, I'm thankful for your help"

That's great! At least that problem has been solved.

"A-Ah, I'm honored, your highness"

I stuttered as I bowed my head a little to him, he smiled back at me politely.

"So... may I ask what this is, your highness?"

Asking him about the paper he held to me, I held it as I looked over the paper.

"As I've told you the last time we met, I wanted to talk to you about politics and written in that paper are the currently unsolved problem of the kingdom I wished to hear your opinions about this lady jazaila"

Woah, this is such a hard task given for a child.

I mean I just know about that problem since I read the novel, but he knows he's giving this to a 5-year-old, right?

Since he's the crown prince I have no right to decline his offer.

Knowing I have no choice, I just sighed.


It's been a month and let me just say... My mind can't take it anymore!

Besides my private lessons, the crown prince has been visiting me in the mansion, like every weekend.

My New Life As A Demon Villainess (UNDER REVISION)Where stories live. Discover now