C13: My New Life As A Demon Villainess

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Sitting in my bed, patiently waiting- no not patiently, I meant irritatingly waiting.

I scratched my neck while watching the maids in front of me, forming a circle like having a meeting.

They've been like this since a while ago.

And they're seriously discussing about a serious topic...

Which is picking a dress for me.


The news about me being invited to a tea party, my very first tea party has quickly been spread throughout our mansion.

And that's the reason why those maids are acting like that.

Can't they just pick whatever will suit me?

It seems like they're more excited than I am.

Glancing at maria, who is seating beside me just smiled while looking over to her colleagues.

I've noticed maria was acting calm like she always has and is unexpectedly not like the other maids are acting.

As expected, she also has the same thoughts as me, doesn't she?

That any dress will do for the tea party.

I tug her uniform, noticing it she quickly looked over to me.

She then smiled as a reply, as beautiful as always.

"Why are you not joining them, maria?"

As I curiously asked, she smiled brightly at me.

"Sitting near you and talking to you calmly, young lady is a chance for me in winning"


"Winning what?"

"Winning over my seniors in the dress I chose for you later at the tea party, discussing and convincing you about the dress I picked while sitting beside you is a quick win, young lady"

My eyes widened when she clenched her fist in determination.

Huh, so she's been secretly hiding something behind her sleeve.

I was wrong, maria is like them too.

Just any dress, any dress will do! Why does it even matter?



I looked at myself in the mirror once maria was done tying my hair and I've also worn a dress already, from all the meetings the maids did and maria secretly convincing me.

Mother's choice was the one that I decided to pick.

Since they're all making a fuss about it a while ago mother quickly ran into my room and drag me to the dressing room.

I have no choice but to follow her... I guess it was the right thing though since the maids just agree with mother about the dress.

And yeah, by the looks of it I like the dress she chose for me.

A dark green dress, with a white collar and white cuff as she suggested me a pair of blue heels.

Well, I'm okay with anything.

"As expected, Your grace's taste is exquisite" a maid complimented mother's choice while the rest quickly nodded in agreement.

"Oh my, don't flatter me" mother giggled.

I just smiled at her, to let her know that I'm happy with what dress she chose for me.

"Your grace, it is almost time"

My New Life As A Demon Villainess (UNDER REVISION)Where stories live. Discover now