C1: My New Life As A Demon Villainess

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The only word I can think of... seeing this person- no. demon I meant.

Such a serious and cold face, it made shivers to my frail and small body in which I just realized now.

Having a horn, the same as the maids I saw when I woke up wait his horns are scarier and larger, he looks scary.

Is this... the demon prince they said? And my father?

Still... I am confused about what is going on, where the heck am I?

And what I realized a while ago, why my body is so frail and small.

It is because I realized I'm in the body of a baby.

This just tops off my confusion right now.

Looking at the demon in front of me having him staring at me for quite a long time, it feels like any second now he will kill me.

Who would not be scared looking at a long-haired horned demon with devilish red eyes?

Because I am... right now.

Still staring daggers at me, I can hear my heartbeat going crazy right now.

C-Can he just stops staring? I'll die just by having him staring at me like he'll murder me.

When I saw his mouth twitched, little by little raising to a smile.

My face was filled with horror when I saw him smirked.


I cannot take it anymore. He is too scary; I will cry much longer so that you'll leave the room.

"Wuuhu~ (sniff*)"

I quiet down for a second when I saw him telling the maids to come closer to him.

"Leave the room, I can handle this"


I lay down there staring at them with widened eyes as they slowly bowed to the demon and turned back to the door.

Ah! Take me with you!...


How can they leave me alone with this scary demon?

I flinched when I saw him glancing at me.

Suddenly he raises his hands and...


I heard a snap of a finger but then I could not see him. He was overshadowed in the corner of the room.

When I heard steps coming closer, I unconsciously gulped in nervousness.

As I tried to look at the silhouette once he walked close.

I blinked when I can finally see his face clearly.

Unknowingly my mouth hangs wide open as I stared at him

Is this the scary demon, I saw a while ago?

Right now, I am utterly shocked... by his- handsomeness.


Not just his horns are gone but his hair is also neatly cut, I can clearly saw his masculine face, his jawline and I didn't notice his hair was dark green, I thought it was black.

The light mirrored his red glistening eyes, as my eyes widened when he genuinely smiled at me.

No! this is a different person, I swear!

My New Life As A Demon Villainess (UNDER REVISION)Where stories live. Discover now