C6: My New Life As A Demon Villainess

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Due to my nervousness, I spaced out while looking afar to the end of the corner of the ballroom.

When suddenly the duchess slowly pulled me away from carrying me.

No. Don't let go of me!

She then slowly turned me around as she assists me in sitting in her lap.



I smiled nervously when I once again saw the people.

My eyes widened as I made a face saying I don't want to be here as I can also feel my body shivering.

T-The heads... so many heads... so many different faces!

This is torture! Ahh! Don't look at me.

Why are they so many?

I'm not used to the attention and I hate getting attention. Back in the modern world, I was always this very shy and quiet geek even though I kind of change in the middle year of high school.

Still! Even though I changed... a little I still don't like the attention of others.

Too busy complaining about how nervous I am I just noticed how big the ballroom is in the duke's mansion.

Even though there are so many people, there are still more spaces left, which means it's a surprisingly huge ballroom-

Wah! It's food!

My eyes widened by the sight of the foods placed on three long tables at the corners of the ballroom.

When I took a glance at the food they serve-

What-? S-Such delicious looking foods~

Wow, they have those here? In my past life, I only saw them at a restaurant that's very expensive like in just one dish It costs so much, that one dish costs me my 3 months of allowance!

And here they're serving them to the people for free!

This... this is heaven!

Ahh! just looking at them right now from here, I'm already drooling.

But the problem is I am still a baby, an infant and I'm still not allowed to eat those kinds of food.

Why?! Why must I suffer?


"Ladies and Gentlemen, I have something to announce"

What I heard was a low voice from a guy.

Sitting in the duchess lap, I glanced at the owner of the voice- I stopped breathing after I looked up.

It's the duke!

H-He looks so young! Now, I can see why the maids admire the duke and the duchess.

So, it was because of their visuals.

His brushed up dark blue hair, his masculine jawline, and admirable black eyes. A face that's gentle to others, they must have thought that the duke is so welcoming that even his face reflects a kind and responsible man.

He and the duchess are such a perfect pair!

Am I finally blessed to have them as my foster parents?

In the novel, I indeed imagined them as beautiful people but now looking at them in real life...

Seriously! Why do people like them only exist in novels?

My New Life As A Demon Villainess (UNDER REVISION)Where stories live. Discover now