C19: My New Life As A Demon Villainess

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"You throw a pillow to the prince?"


"And he also throws a pillow to you?"


"That is..."

I'm prepared already. I know that hiding it would make the people find it even faster and that's what's happening now.

Even before going inside my foster parent's room, I felt very nervous cause who doesn't? Just this afternoon, I was fighting- more like a child fight with the prince of the neighboring kingdom. The Prince!

I am already expecting them to say- 'I did not expect to see this attitude from you, my dear jazaila. I'm so disappointed in you.'

Aaaahhh! I don't want to hear that from them ever!

"That sounds entertaining and fun, my dear"

I knew I- WhaHUH?

What did the duchess say just now?

"I know I wanted to experience that kind of friendship too, or maybe I can ask that from my lovely daughter can you hit father with this pillow here, my dear jazaila?"

I turned to look at father throwing him a look 'are you insane, father?'

That made him suddenly showed a smile.

Okay, let's not talk to him for now, I think he is not in his self right now.

Ah-! *Hug

"Come on, my dear jazaila hit your father in the face even with your bare hands I will be overjoyed"

"Ahh stop it, father!"

"Hit me! hit me!"

He's totally gone insane, (*uuwuh~) I flinched when he kissed my cheeks for so long.

I glanced at mother when she chuckled with the sight of me and father snuggling, well it's father who forced us to.

(*sigh) I'm glad though that they didn't get mad at me, I think I have said this before but I'm very lucky to have them as my foster parents.


Two years have passed.

And every day the usual thing happened which are classes, father trying to make me do things to him, annoying Keaton, and silent Eira.

And since then, I haven't seen the prince coming to our mansion anymore as I have guessed that he might be busy as he and his father have been very close now that the king finally accepts the young prince's help.

As for neci, I only get to see her sometimes when we are invited to tea parties there, I got to know that she did took what I said to her seriously as she told me that she is now learning from her mother and father about their business.

I am happy that somehow, I got to help them since I treat them as my dear friends here that I am living in my new life as this novel's villainess.

And regarding the novel, I am currently in action because of my curiosity.

Hiding behind a bush in front of the female lead's house using the wooden binoculars that neci gave to me for she said I might need it if I will finally have a crush which is not what I am doing.

I am just trying to look if something is starting or does the story begin at this point?

And I was right...


I closed my eyes in surprise by the noise of a glass breaking and raging shouts from inside the female lead's house.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 20, 2021 ⏰

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