C12: My New Life As A Demon Villainess

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A lovely view of a mother and her daughter. I don't know but somehow it feels nostalgic.

With a nervous feeling, I looked up at the crown prince who's still remaining his eyes set on them.

The novel's female lead or so-called the main character, Theane Bracebrigge.

From my view, I can indeed see her beauty... her capturing beauty.

With a huge smile on her face, she looked lovingly at her mother as her mother softly touched her cheeks and admired how her daughter looks.

That soft and kind face would certainly describe the main character's role.

Her ash-blonde long wavy hair, that definitely adds points to her purity, and her sweet and luminous brown eyes that would make you froze and just stare at those dazzling eyes.

And I can see where the author gets the idea when I noticed her white skin, as white as snow... and who would else be that someone that has the exact color?

Obviously, the author was inspired by snow white.

So obvious.

Wearing a white cute and lovely dress, the aura behind her when she smiles... once again burns my eyes, similar to the crown prince.

(Sigh) Again, why...?

Why do these perfect people only exist in novels? Why?!

Looking at the main character right now, makes me feel envious... of how pretty she is!

And in the same way, anxious.

Turning her back and returned to talk to the seller, she smiled brightly at the person as the seller received the money from her and gave her in return the bow that she was putting on theane a while ago, her mother.

Norhea Bracebrigge, the one and only mother of the main character, and lastly the one who plans to remarry and kick her daughter out.

I kind of feel sad looking at them being all lovely, knowing that later on, she will turn her back on her daughter.

This is why I've always imagined myself in theane's shoes because we have similar situations in life... I also have a mother like that.

W-Wait! That is not what I'm concerned about right now!

Quickly glancing at the crown prince, stressed, I massaged my forehead.

He's still not pulling his gaze away from them, to begin with, this event should not happen I mean... the real happening was when I turned 16 and where the main characters first met.

So... what's with all this?

Looking at the prince, I anxiously shook my head.

I really don't know what he's thinking.

"It's a lovely view, isn't it? lady, jazaila"

I flinched when I finally heard him spoke, does he mean theane and her mother?

Don't tell me he's already falling for he-?

"Having a mother like that, Isn't it nice?"


Looking curiously back at the mother and daughter, I scratched my neck confused.

"I... want one too"

With such sad eyes, Nicholas looked at the ground and smiled forcefully.

Ah... It was not the female lead that caught his eyes but the image of a mother caring for her daughter.

My New Life As A Demon Villainess (UNDER REVISION)Where stories live. Discover now