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I held her in my arms long after we had come together, nuzzling against her cheek, her shoulder, her chest. I wanted every part of our bodies to touch. Every moment we weren't touching was a tragedy. I kicked my shoes off, then my pants and underwear. Then I unbuttoned my vest, and my dress shirt, until I was totally nude.

"You've got this all backwards," Kate whispered. "You're supposed to undress before sex."

"I'll remember that for next time," I replied.

One of her dark eyebrows rose. "So there will be a next time? You're not going to change your mind and tell me this can never happen again?"

I climbed onto her and kissed her cheek. "That was a stupid thing for me to say, and I regret saying it."

"As long as we're in agreement about that."

Kate ran her fingernails up and down my back, and gently caressed my neck. Her kisses were soft and supple.

I pushed up onto an elbow and smiled down at her. "You look like you're thinking very hard about something."

"I am."

"Penny for your thoughts?"

"Does a billionaire even know what a penny is?" she teased. "For someone on your level, the phrase should be ten grand for your thoughts."

I was sensitive about my money. I wanted people to know me, to care about me, based on who I was as a person—not based on my net worth. But Kate had a way of disarming me with a joke. It didn't bother me when the teasing came from her.

I kissed her on the nose and said, "Ten grand for your thoughts?"

"If you must know, I was trying to think of a good Moby Dick joke."

"What've you got so far?"

"Nothing good. I'm not very creative."

I kissed her on the nose again. "I'll pretend you said something really funny."

"You're a true gentleman." She stretched her arms behind her and squeaked softly. "I need something sweet after that."

"What, like poetry?"

She made a face. "I mean something sweet to eat."

"Claudette has left for the evening. But I think we can find something in this place."

I stood, then helped Kate up. While I put my boxers back on, she shimmied into her panties. She picked up her phone and looked at the home screen. Before she could retrieve her dress, I grabbed her hand and led her out of the library.

"My dress!" she said.

"I like you better in just your bra and panties."

"What if the twins wake up?" she asked.

"We'll tell them you just took a bath."

"That won't... Actually, that will probably work," she replied.

"Kids are gullible at this age."

When we reached the living room, I held a hand out to stop Kate. I pressed a button on the wall. The floor-to-ceiling windows showing a view of downtown Manhattan hummed softly.

"They're tinted now," I said. "Nobody can see inside."

"Nobody could see inside before," Kate said. "Unless someone has a telescope aimed at your penthouse!"

"You'd be surprised what lengths the paparazzi will go through to get a photo."

I led her to the kitchen and opened the fridge. "Ah, there are still some Oreo truffles left." I pulled out the container and popped one into my mouth.

"Two hundred and fifty thousand!" Kate suddenly exclaimed. She was looking at her phone.

"What?" I asked.

Her eyes went wide and she puckered her lips into a tiny line. "Nothing."

I bit into another truffle. "You looked up how much that book is worth, didn't you?"

She slowly placed the phone on the counter behind her. "Maybe."

"It worked like a charm," I said. "Women can't resist the charm of rare English literature."

Kate plucked a truffle from the container. "It wasn't the book that wooed me. It was the sexy man who owns it."

She placed the round truffle in between her lips, with half of it sticking out. Then she kissed me. As she pulled apart, she bit into the truffle, leaving me with half. She giggled at herself, like she didn't think it would work.

I smiled at her. The bra and panties weren't particularly fancy, but on Kate's body they looked fit for a goddess. Her breasts were perky and full, and the panties hung on the curve of her hip just right. I could've stared at her all night.

"Claudette always makes these truffles when I'm out of town," I mused, peeling my eyes from the nanny. "I know she probably does it to distract the twins, but it always feels like she's holding them back from me."

"These were from my date with Mathias, actually," she said. "Do you guys really want to share me?"

My hand paused on a truffle. "Nope. We're pranking you. I bet Adam a grand that you would believe it for at least a week."

She gasped, and tossed a tiny piece of truffle chocolate at me. It hit my bare chest and landed on the white marble floor.

"Of course we really want to share you," I said with a laugh. "Why don't you believe us?"

"Because it feels exactly like you just described: a prank. If three super hot women all told you they wanted to share you, would you believe them?"

"Of course I would," I replied with a grin. "I'm Braxton Nash, billionaire investment manager. I get propositioned by trios of women pretty much every day."

"Don't make me throw another truffle at you!" she said. "Seriously though. The three of you really want to do this?"

I thought back on our first relationship with Leslie. Adam, Mathias, and I had been so happy with her. Everything just sort of fit, like jigsaw pieces that completed the puzzle. I had never been happier than when the four of us were together, three men sharing one woman.

Of course, it had all been a lie. Leslie had been using us. But the feeling that the rest of us had was real, and if we could make it work again...

"Yes," I said softly. "We really want to do this. We've been waiting for another opportunity. For the right woman to come along. It's not like we could just post a full-page ad in the New York Times about it. Wanted: nanny for billionaire and his two friends to share."

"Claudette has been here the whole time, you know," she joked. "She's totally a GILF."

I laughed and said, "You joke, but Claudette has told me some scandalous stories about herself. She was quite the minx when she was younger."

"Who says she's not anymore?" Kate shot back. "You don't know where she goes when she gets off work. I bet she's at a bondage sex club in Queens right now."

I covered my eyes. "That woman is like a mother to me. I think we should stop putting images in my head."

"You think she's a dominatrix?" Kate wondered out loud. "Tying up men and then spanking them?"

"Make it stop!"

"I bet men would pay a lot of money to get ridiculed in French while..."

I silenced her with a kiss, then said, "If you don't stop talking, I'm going to have to put something in your mouth to gag you."

Her eyes sparkled. "Maybe that's what I wanted all along."

We left the truffles out on the counter and ran to the bedroom, hand-in-hand.

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