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I slept like I was dead. In fact, I didn't remember much of anything after the four of us came simultaneously. There was only the intense pleasure ravaging my body, surrounded by the three men in my life, and then there was nothingness.

I woke in the dark. The window shades were all down. The ever-present drone of the jet engines filled the air.

Had that really happened? I thought. It felt like a dream. The three of them holding me, kissing me, bending me over, spreading my legs...

There was a knock on the door. "Mr. Nash? I'm sorry to wake you, but we are beginning our descent into Paris Le Bourget."

A body stirred to my right, but it wasn't Braxton because his voice came from the other side: "Thank you, Nelson."

"Will you take breakfast, sir?" came the reply.

"Just coffee. We have breakfast waiting for us in the city."

The city. I had forgotten: we were landing in Paris soon!

I bolted upright in bed like a kid on Christmas morning. Adam was the sleeping body to my right, his deep red hair messy on the pillow. Mathias was sleeping in the chair across from us, which had been stretched out to form a bed with the other chair. His head was tilted back and his mouth hung open, letting a long snore fill the room.

A hand caressed my back. "We're about to land."

I turned. Braxton was laying on his back with one hand behind his head. He was smiling up at me.

"I heard. Why are you smiling?"

His smile deepened. "After last night, why wouldn't I be?"

I giggled and kissed him. "I'm glad I could fulfill your desires."

"Just mine?" he asked. "Yours weren't fulfilled too?"

"Honestly? That was never a fantasy of mine, no. But now?" I leaned down and kissed him again. "Now it definitely is."

He raised an eyebrow. "Which part?"

I knew what he was asking: having sex with three men at once, or having anal sex?

"Both!" I looked around. "Is there somewhere I can freshen up before we land?"

Braxton leaned over and pushed on the wall. A door swung inward, revealing the tile floors and glass wall of a bathroom and shower. "You don't remember cleaning up last night?"

"I don't remember anything that happened after."

Adam rolled over and kissed my thigh. "We must have done a good job then. That was the goal, remember? To tire you out so you would sleep?"

"Mission accomplished!" I punctuated the statement with a long yawn. "Although coffee will still be appreciated."

I swung over Braxton's body and landed lightly on my feet. But the thump was enough to finally wake Mathias from his slumber. The big German jerked like he had been punched, rolled over, and then flailed around wildly. He slammed into the ground with a very loud thud.

"What..." He groaned. "Why am I on the floor?"

"You fell out of bed," Braxton said.

Mathias sighed. "Minus ten points for Mathias."

I took a quick shower, which had surprisingly-good water pressure. Apparently the guys had all showered after our romp last night, so all they had to do was comb their hair and get dressed. While they did that, I walked out to the front cabin of the jet. The shades were all open here, letting in bright sunlight that reflected off the wings like beams of gold.

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