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We had a blast at the Scrabble tournament. Nigel Richards won his first game easily, then dispatched two more opponents. Then Adam and I walked around to the other rooms to watch lesser-known players in the tournament. It was fascinating seeing the wide diversity of players. Men, women, young, old, every shape and color and size.

While enjoying the tournament, I also thought about what Adam had said. How he liked me more than just sexually. It felt like he was trying to tell me he wanted me to be his girlfriend.

I felt the same way about him.

How would that work with our group dynamic? I had assumed that this weird arrangement was purely sexual. It was simple that way. Well, maybe not simple. But it had easily-defined boundaries. I had sex with Adam, Braxton, and Mathias. Sometimes individually, and sometimes as a group. Everything outside of that was professional.


But if we developed deeper feelings for each other, what would happen? Could they still share me like that? Because the more I thought about it, I knew I was slowly falling for all three of them.

Whether it was possible or not, now I was curious.

The next few weeks with the twins were a breeze. Their German was coming along really well, and it was time to introduce another language. I chose Spanish, since it was a romance language and would be somewhat easy. I would save Japanese for last since it was the most different of the three.

The twins were excited to learn Spanish, although they were sad they didn't have someone like Unkie Mat to practice with. Fortunately, Claudette spoke enough Spanish to help me with them. The introduction of another language slowed down our meal times.

"Thank you," Allie would say. Then in the other languages: "Danke. Gracias."

"You're welcome," Barry would reply to her. "Bitte. De nada."

The twins helped each other, too. One time I caught them speaking German to each other while playing with their toys. That made me smile. It was becoming second-nature to them. And they weren't even five years old yet.

Braxton had to fly out for more business trips. He said everything was fine, but I could tell he was stressing about work, and I heard Adam make a comment about how the investors weren't happy.

Speaking of unhappy people, Miranda was very upset that I had to work the next two weekends in a row. "I'll give you the gossip the next time I see you," I said on the phone one evening while the twins were in bed.

"You said that last weekend! I haven't seen you in a month! At least give me the gossip on the phone. Something to tide me over."

I laughed and walked down the hall to the library. "I don't know..."

"What was the point of me signing that big NDA if you won't tell me anything? I spent all day cleaning up vomit from my kids. I need to live vicariously through you!"

I closed the library door and settled into one of the big leather chairs. The one Braxton and I had sex in weeks ago.

"We had a threesome," I whispered.


"Several, actually. In Braxton's office, in the bedroom, one time on the desk in the library..."

She squealed on the other line. "This is what I'm talking about! How could you keep this juicy gossip from me for so long? Keep going. Have you done it with all of them? Different combinations?"

"No, just Adam and Braxton."

"Why not Mathias?"

"We haven't had the opportunity," I replied. "But he and I have had other fun. He took me dancing in the city, and then we went back to his place and..."

"And what? What did you do?"

"We tried some..." I lowered my voice to a tiny whisper. "Butt stuff."


"Quiet!" I said. "Someone will hear you!"

"I'm home alone. Nobody's going to hear a thing. How was it? What did he do?"

"I feel like I should have a glass of wine to talk about this," I said.

"Oh shush. I have enough wine for both of us. Give me all the details!"

"We were having sex," I whispered, "and he grabbed my ass. And then... He just slid one finger inside me. Then two. That was it. He fingered me like that while we had sex."

"Did you like it?" Miranda asked. "I tried anal back in college. We were both drunk and it was not fun."

"I actually did like it!" I said. "I never thought I would, but the way Mathias did it, while holding me against his body... It felt good. Really good."

"So you're going to let him stick his cock in there?"


"What? You're the one trying new things! That seems like the next step since you liked it, right?"

"I don't know," I said. "Maybe. We'll see."

"We need to start having these phone calls every night," Miranda insisted. "I can't believe you were going to make me wait another week before telling me all of this!"

It was easy to lose sight of just how exciting all of this was. Threesomes, butt stuff with Mathias, not to mention that Braxton was a billionaire. While staying at the penthouse and focusing on nannying the twins, it was easy to get tunnel vision and forget. Having Miranda here to remind me was kind of nice.

Braxton and Adam returned from their Houston trip on a Tuesday morning. The twins were excited to see them both, and invited them to eat lunch together.

"I am making brunch," Claudette said. "Crepes Suzette with sliced bananas and almonds."

"I can't say no to that. I only have one meeting today, and it's not until the afternoon." Braxton hugged me. "I missed you."

"I missed you too," I said. "And you," I added when I hugged Adam.

"Can I have a hug, Unkie Adam?" Barry asked.

Adam kissed me on the cheek and bent down. "Of course you can! Come here!"

We sat at the table and heard about their trip to Houston. Braxton showed the twins photos from the city, and talked about all the food they ate, but didn't mention how the meeting with the investor went. Based on the weary look on Adam's face, I assumed it went poorly.

"These crepes are incredible," I said when the food was served. "What's in them?"

"Grand Marnier, cognac, chocolate, orange zest..." Claudette served another crepe to Adam, who was wolfing them down. "It is a recipe I learned at a creperie in Paris. Compared to theirs? My crepes are not fit for dogs!"

"That's saying a lot," Adam said with a full mouth. "Because these might be the most delicious thing I have ever had in my life."

"They are better in France," Claudette insisted curtly. "The quality of the ingredients is better."

Braxton loomed over his plate, stirring a piece of crepe in his sauce before plopping it into his mouth. His dark expressions were curious as he chewed and swallowed.

"We should go to Paris," he said.

"I'd love to go back to Paris someday!" I said. "I haven't been there since I was a little girl. And I was too young to truly appreciate it."

"No," Braxton said. He shook his head and wiped his mouth with his cloth. "I meant let's go to Paris tonight."

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