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We practically ran back to the car. Nelson was alarmed by the whole thing, and looked around like a Secret Service Agent who expected to be ambushed at any moment. The twins didn't understand why we were leaving so soon, but they seemed to realize that something was wrong.

When we got back to the penthouse, I asked Claudette to watch the kids. Then I got back in the elevator and headed up to the office.

"Kate?" Adam said when I got there. "What are you doing here?"

"We need to talk. All of us. Call Mathias and tell him to get up here."

The look on my face convinced him not to argue. He picked up the phone, called downstairs to the trading desk, and hung up.

"Mathias is on his way. But Mr. Nash is in a meeting..."

I almost barged into the office anyway. Then I came to my senses and pulled out my phone to text him instead.

Me: Emergency. Doesn't involve the twins, but involves all of us. I'm outside your office.

Less than a minute later I heard voices and footsteps on the other side of his office door. It opened and Braxton appeared with another suited man.

"...Was expecting a longer discussion," the man said. "We only talked for ten minutes."

"We'll reschedule," Braxton replied. "I appreciate your concern, Trey."

"Mr. Nash. Braxton. You know I'm on your side," the man said gently. "But your behavior lately is concerning everyone. The charity donation is just the most recent straw. It's not enough yet, but you're getting close to the point that the board will be forced to act."

"I know, and I hear you," Braxton said. "Thanks again for the courtesy call."

The man sighed, then turned and walked away. Braxton strode to me and cupped my cheek.

"Are you okay? What's wrong?"

Mathias came jogging down the hall moments later. "I am here. I came quickly."

"Let's talk inside. In private," I said.

We went into Braxton's office. Through the windows behind the desk, Lower Manhattan stood like a shining beacon of light, tall towers of steel and glass that reached ambitiously toward the sky. Braxton leaned against the desk and crossed his arms, waiting.

I handed him the photos. They were still bent from where I had crumpled them, but the contents were still clear.

"They know," I said. "The press knows."

Braxton cursed under his breath. "When did this happen?"

"A guy accosted us while we were in the park. I came straight home."

Adam looked at the photos. "Oh no."


Mathias snatched the photos away and began leafing through them. He tossed them angrily on the desk.

"Tell me his name!" he snarled. "I will crush him in my hands."

"Violence won't solve this," Braxton said softly.

"What use is strength if not for intimidation?" Mathias demanded angrily.

"There's no denying it," Adam said while pacing back and forth. "He has photos of us individually. He has photos of us together. It tells a damning story all by itself."

"I will not allow my emotions to be made a mockery of," Mathias said. "Our relationship is as natural as the fruit from an apple tree."

"It's natural to us, but the world won't see it that way," Adam replied. "It's a juicy story. It's all anyone will talk about for weeks, maybe months."

"That's what the reporter told me," I said. "What do we do?"

Braxton stood silent and contemplative.

"I'm guessing he brought you the photos to get us to cut a deal?" Adam asked. "To offer us a chance to buy out the story?"

I nodded. "He called it a courtesy, but it feels an awful lot like blackmail to me."

"Welcome to tabloid journalism," Adam muttered.

Braxton nodded to himself. "I'll buy the story. Get them to kill it."

I sighed. I was angry with the situation, but I was relieved he was choosing this route. The last thing I wanted was to be known as the nanny who was sleeping with everyone she worked for. The world would twist it into something worse than it was.

"That's the path forward," Braxton said to me. "Buy the story, and suspend your services."

I gave a start. "What?"

"We got too comfortable with everything, which made us sloppy. If this asshole was able to get photographic evidence, then others can too. We can't be seen together, either at the penthouse or around town. You need to go on a hiatus."

"For how long?" I asked.

"However long it takes for this to blow over," he replied. "And if it never does, if someone else has their own evidence and runs the story..." He shrugged. "I can't have that kind of media circus around the twins. I can't risk it."

He means never, I realized. If it never blows over, then I'm never coming back.

"No," I whispered.

"You'll be compensated for the remainder of your contract," he assured me.

"That's not what I care about."

Mathias shook his head. "We cannot suspend Kate. It is not her fault!"

"It's nobody's fault, but we still have to react accordingly," Braxton replied. "That's the reality of the situation, whether we like it or not."

My knees trembled. This couldn't be happening.

"Mr. Nash," Adam said, "I think you're making a huge mistake."

Braxton barked a laugh. "Seriously? For months you've been telling me I've been skating on thin ice with the board. You said I'm one big scandal away from being removed." He tapped the photos on the desk. "Here it is. This scandal is the equivalent of a nuclear bomb going off in the Nash Capital building. The board would finally have the excuse they need to remove me."

"But this is a personal matter," Mathias argued. "It does not affect your business."

"I'm the public face of the company," he replied. "My personal life is the business."

"Then fight it!" Mathias shouted. "This is your company! You can convince them to keep you!"

"This is my company, you're right," Braxton replied calmly. "And the only way to keep it that way is by taking a step back. Distancing myself from this... this... liability."

I finally found my voice. "Is that what I am to you? A liability?"

Braxton replied without hesitation. "Right now, yes. We fucked up, and the tabloids have the proof they need. It's time to pay them off and put our heads down."

I couldn't listen to another word. My world was crumbling, and Braxton didn't seem to care about anything other than his company.

Before they could see my tears, I turned and fled from the room.

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