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One Year Later

I stared out the window of the plane, watching the fluffy tendrils of clouds drifting by.

Next to me, Mathias nudged me with his elbow. "Do you remember the last time we were on a private plane together?"

I frowned. "The trip to Seoul two months ago?"

Mathias grinned. "I meant when all of us were together."

I suddenly remembered. My cheeks burned, and I giggled as Mathias kept nudging me with that stupid smile on his face.

"Ah? You remember, yes?" he insisted. "The fun we had?"

"It's a little different this time," I pointed out.

The twins went running across the plane, chasing each other with toys. Barry snatched Allie's toy from her, which made her scream with rage.

"Allie, Barry, I told you to settle down," I said. "We're almost there, and if you sit down and play with your tablets quietly you will get a special treat."

"But I'm bored," Barry argued. "Estoy aburrido." He stomped his foot to emphasize the point.

"Your father is trying to work." I glanced to my right, where Braxton and Adam were bent over their laptops at the table. It had been a year since Braxton was removed from his CEO position at Nash Capital, and the two of them were working feverishly to get their new firm off the ground. It was called ABK Capital. The letters stood for Alexandria, Bartholomew, and Kate. The three things most important to Braxton.

And Adam wasn't just coming along to work for him. He was his partner at the new firm. Equal positions running the company. Braxton didn't mind sharing the spotlight, because it meant he had more time to play with the twins. He was trying to have a better work-life balance, or so he claimed.

But despite how busy the two of them were, they were the same two men I had fallen in love with a year ago. And I couldn't be prouder of them.

"Don't worry about the twins playing," Braxton said. "We're pretty much done here."

"You sure?" Adam asked. "I think we should go over the secondary fund again, just to make sure we're not over-allocating on tech..."

Braxton laughed and closed Adam's laptop screen. "The fund is good. Take it from a veteran: at some point you have to sit back and let it ride. We can reevaluate it when we get back from vacation."

Adam sighed, but nodded. "I guess that means I can play with these two monsters!"

He jumped up and chased after Allie, scooping her up and then spinning her around. Mathias boomed with laughter and then picked up Barry, holding him under his arm and running him up and down the plane.

"I'm an airplane!" Barry squealed while holding his arms out like wings.

"An airplane inside an airplane?" Mathias demanded. "You are a silly boy! Minus five points for young Bartholomew!"

The bathroom door opened and Claudette stepped out. She laughed and clapped along as Mathias flew Barry up and down the aisle.

"You are suspiciously happy," Mathias said. "Normally you scowl at me when I play with the little ones!"

Claudette smiled and said, "Of course I am happy. I am returning to the most wonderful city in the world! If I was visiting Berlin or Munich my face would look like this." Her face twisted into an unhappy scowl.

I smiled at her. She had insisted on coming with us this time. We were one big happy family.

Oscar, the new bodyguard, emerged from the cockpit. "The pilot says we're about to begin our descent. Buckle up, children."

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