ch. 06 • Seeing Double

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The obnoxious alarm fills the interior of the Volkswagen bus

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The obnoxious alarm fills the interior of the Volkswagen bus. However, I've already been listening to the tweeting of early morning birds, and barking toads. I had found a public park last night and decided to park my shitty van there for the night.

I didn't manage to sleep, at least, I don't think I did and I don't feel tested in the least. I roll over the sleeping bag I've been laying on, and swipe my phone to turn the alarm off, sitting up as I do.

Of course, the humidity has already made its way inside the interior of the car as well as a few mosquitos, adding to the obvious that I'm in desperate need of a shower. Sleeping in my car has left me in a constant state of gross.

I grab my woven backpack with the drawstring top and check to be sure the baby wipes, dry shampoo, floss, and toothpaste are in it. I climb out, stuffing my keys into my cotton striped sleep shorts, and head to the building where the signs for the bathrooms are displayed on plaques.

I step inside the women's restroom and find a black woman already using one of the metal sinks, using the paper towels to wash her arms and neck. She glimpses at me with faded brown eyes then returns to her business at the sink.

I go beside her and pull at the drawstring of my backpack and remove the baby wipes. The wipes momentarily wipe the heavy build-up of sweat from my body and face, then I catch the black woman watching me.

Stopping mid-wipe up my stomach, I hand her the pack of baby wipes and she takes them with a weak toothless smile.

I finish cleaning myself off and look nearly like a normal college co-ed. Still, though, I'm a mess, but given the last year, I look pretty damn good. With loads of dry shampoo and even a coat of mascara, I'm coming off relatively alive.

I floss and brush my teeth, then leave the bathroom as another homeless woman files inside.

In the large space of the backseat of the Volkswagen bus, I change my clothes on the cracked old leather seats. It's always awkward changing in here, and I keep my head on a constant swivel to be sure no creeps are watching. Quickly, though, I dress in high-waisted ripped jean shorts with a plain black t-shirt. I brush my tangled hair out, in an attempt to look normal and fit in with the female population here that will be wearing their most favorite outfits the first day.

I need to try and blend in today at the University, I want to be immersed with everything Foxy was. Her friends, her sorority, any boys she may have been interested in, everything. I have no doubts this wasn't a random killing. I know her killer knew her. I don't have any way to prove this, because the police won't tell us anything as the investigation is still open. But my 'twiney-sense' tells me so.

The police have given my family nothing. We know what the public knows, which is complete bullshit in my opinion. I understand if they are playing their cards close to their chest but they won't even tell us how Foxy died. And to make it worse, no arrests and no persons of interest have even been announced. They literally have nothing.

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