5.) A Genin Who Leaves

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"I thought you were supposed to be in house arrest." Inojin questions Saruto, hands on his hips, ready to take the kid down if he tries anything. Before Saruto, who was fumbling with his fingers, got to answer, Konohamaru mindlinked Inojin.

He knows flying raijin, Inojin. He'll disappear before you know!

"You can't be in house arrest when you don't have an official house," Saruto says and puts his palms together, disappearing right in the spot.

Inojin mind links the 8th Hokage. You should've mentioned that earlier. He couldn't have gone far, you can't travel far without a lot of chakra.

No you idiot. Inojin, he was born with quite a lot of chakra since he has the sharingan and the byakugan. You need to track him down NOW. He can't leave the village.

Yes sir. Inojin cuts out of the mind link and contacts his team. We need the location of genin Saruto Hyuga. He's a sensory type so he'll know how to conceal his chakra. We fear he might desert the village. We can never let that happen. I'll send a team of genins to track him down once we confirm his location.

Sir. Aburame member, Battame, mind links the team leader. My grasshoppers have sensed the genin in the direction of the village hidden in the rocks. He's alone but he's... he's wearing... no... that can't be right.

What is it Battame? Inojin barked.

He striked his headband. It has a cut in the center. It looks like he wants to leave, sir.

To this word, Inojin ordered the team to the running genin's location.

Inojin mind linked headquarters and ordered Saruto's team, team seven, and chunin level team Ino-Shika-Cho.

Less than ten minutes later, the two teams along with ANBU stop Saruto in his tracks. In a more secluded spot, Kakashi decided to join and watch the leaving genin.

"Saruto, you are to come back to the village in the order of the Hokage!" Inojin states. Saruto grits his teeth at this and tries to make a run for it, only to be stopped by his own teammates: Mitsuki sensei, Asuma Nara, and Minakami Hozuki.

"Leave me be! I will find where my parents are. I know they're not dead." Saruto cries.

"Saruto." Mitsuki steps up and softly speaks. "I knew who your parents were. They were great people and you can't follow the same footsteps as your grandfather. In this generation, there's no one to change your ways."

"I'm not deserting the village to destroy it." Saruto announces. "Not yet at least," he mumbles. "I just want to find where they are, dead or alive. If you want to stop me, you'll have to die to touch me." Saruto takes a few of his flying raijin kunais and strikes a few trees.


The two teams and ANBU members were trying their hardest not to make the battle intense. Their only mission was to take in one genin but he was surely over Jonin level.

The Ino-Shika-Cho group managed to catch Saruto once before he teleported to a different kunai where he was met with a familiar face and sword. The sword struck Saruto on the face and created a huge cut coming from his right forehead through his eyebrow onto his left cheek where it came straight down. Saruto cried out in pain and in anger.

Minakami was a transfer student from the village hidden in the Mist. Holder of the Executioner's blade, Minakami is a blood relative of one of the infamous seven shinobi of the mist. She was made artificial by one of the legendary sannin, Orochimaru, with the DNA of Suigetsu Hozuki so her form was mostly water with lighting being her worst weakness. Saruto knew this.

Holding his cut, he activated his sharingan and formed a chidori on his hand, then jumped down from the tree. Minakami jumped down but was quite a ways away from her opponent. Saruto ran and let his hand in front of him, ready to hit the girl with his chidori. He knew it would only knock her out as to not cause more damage than intended.

A quick flash of black rushed in between Saruto and Minakami. Before Saruto realized who it was, he couldn't stop and it was too late. His hand was in the interrupting body. Saruto knew but he closed his eyes. No. It can't be. Why would he do this? Saruto looked up and opened his eyes for confirmation. Through the chest and out, Asuma Nara coughed blood. He smiled at his best friend and gave him a thumbs up.

"Good luck with your parents, Saruto." He says as the life left his eyes and Saruto pulled out his arm, dreading the feeling of his own friend's bloody body on his fingertips.

Kakashi from the shadows watched in shock. His eyes furrowed at the familiar scene before him. He flashbacks to the Konoha's days of war: his dead teammate being crushed under rocks and his final friend's heart shattered by his chidori. As he could not watch anymore, he left.

"Asuma!" Saruto cried. "Asuma!!!" He grabbed his best friend's limp body and looked up with tears eyes at the enemy groups before him. The tears made its way to the cut on his face and he winced in pain but his sharingans were no longer the three tomoes. They presented a different pattern...

...the mangekyo sharingan.

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