23.) Evil Chakra

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"What is this feeling?" Naruto mumbles to himself.

"What is it Naruto?" Sasuke asks.

"It's very dark and sad. It's headed this way and it's far but it's so strong I can feel it from all the way here." Sasuke breaks through another puppet and slashes another zetsu.

"Whatever it is, just tell us when it comes. Right now, we have to focus on what's right in front of us." Sasuke says, slashing five zetsus at once.


Black zetsu emerges from the ground of the rock Code is sitting on.

"Black zetsu, what did you do? He's not at the Kara headquarters."

"I think that the genjutsu you placed him in was too strong. I left a white zetsu clone behind and Saruto killed it." Code furrowed his eyebrows and frowned deeply.

"You idiot! He's headed this way, isn't he? He's going to ruin our plans, you inferior creature! I need you to hold him back as long as you can. I must end this war before he gets here." Code demands. Zetsu digs into the ground and searches for Saruto's chakra which was so strong, he could easily trace the boy.


On the battlefield, everyone could feel it. There was this eminent intense chakra. It was evil, dark, gloomy and sad.

"What is this?" Tobirama asks suspiciously.

"I can feel it too." Tsunade says.

"It feels familiar." Sasuke adds.

"It's not Code. He's basically a scientific ninja tool so he doesn't need to use a lot of chakra." Naruto informs the group.

"Code!" Sasuke yells to get the man's attention. "What is this chakra you're displaying?!" Code only frowns and pulls out a computer. He programs something on the puppets and they suddenly become more fatal than before and attacks the reanimations, the kages, and the remaining shinobi.

They feel it too, huh? Damn it, I have to seal him if he ever makes it here.


Zetsu emerges from the ground near Saruto.

"You aren't supposed to be here, Saruto." Black Zetsu says, trying to stop the boy from taking another step.

"Move out of my way, you low life creature." Saruto clenches his newly sharpened katana and gets ready to yield it at Zetsu.

"We had a deal, kid. Stick to the plan." Saruto gritted his teeth at this. Every time he thought about his clans, he grew more furious. He had all this anger inside of him and he wasn't waiting for a measly little plan.

"I said, move out of my way." Zetsu took a step back as Saruto started displaying a coat of black chakra. With caution, zetsu tried sealing the boy but his attempts were burned at the glowing black coat.

"Saruto. You need to wait." Zetsu says.

"I don't have time for this." Saruto says and forms a rasengan in his hand. Black Zetsu knew he was still weak from being sealed so ran in fear but didn't make it far. Saruto threw the usually unthrowable jutsu at the black creature, instantly killing him.

Kurama notices his chakra turning dark and contacts Saruto from his normal body to his chakra inside Saruto.

Saruto. What is going on? In the room of Saruto's consciousness, there were two Kuramas. Saruto's Kurama had black fur.

Sorry Kurama. I didn't keep my promise... I have someone else's first. Saruto looks up at Kurama and frightens the fox. The mangekyo sharingan gave a very intricate design. Kurama disconnected with Saruto.

That kid isn't Saruto anymore. Something is mudding his vision. I have to contact Naruto. I can feel his chakra.

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