34.) Pending War

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"Where is the boy, Code, you were supposed to get him more than a month ago."

"I'm sorry, Isshiki, the kages have increased security around Saruto since they returned to Konoha."

"Sorry doesn't cut anything, Code. I will be killed if I don't have that chakra tree set up. You need to get him no matter what. Lure him out of the city and capture him. I personally don't care if he's dead but unfortunately he needs to be alive."Isshiki pushes the tray of food off the dining table angrily. Ankoku rushes to pick up the mess.

"I'm developing a new jutsu to get into the Konoha system. It'll be helpful for us in the future if things don't work ou-" Isshiki interupts furiously.

"It will work out. How long will this take?"

"A year, maybe months if we're lucky."

"Well hurry it up. I'll take the time to rebuild chakra and come up with an effective plan."


"Saruto, you are not allowed to leave Konoha, what are you thinking? I'll have Orochimaru come here instead!" Konohamaru basically screams at Saruto after the boy's attempt on escaping his shinobi body guards. "Do you know what danger you would put Konoha and the other great villages in, not to mention yourself." Saruto scoffs.

"Are you saying I'm a danger?"

"Ye-no." Saruto's eyes widen in surprise.

"I mean no and it will always be no if you actually listen." Sarada says. Saruto turns to leave in disbelief.

"And where do you believe you're going to?" Boruto says.

"The only place I can get some freaking peace in this village."

"As long as it is in the village and within your body guards' views, we aren't worried." Sarada says and let's the boy continue his walk out.

Outside the door was Shikadai Nara. Saruto didn't stop but felt guilty passing by his best friend's father.

Shikadai acknowledged the boy and let him pass, entering the room after he left.

Konoha's political system had been slightly changed since the village's continuing expansion. Instead of all the work being appointed to the Hokage, all work was passed to different sections manned by groups of office people in the building. If anything was to be signed or touched by an official member, it would be handed to the Hokage. Konohamaru was lucky to be Hokage in an era where he had time for a stroll and a dinner with his family. Right now, since the ninth Hokage reappeared, in a few days time would be when the village officials decide who will be appointed working Hokage.

Anyways, with more people managing and helping with Hokage paperwork and duties came more people surrounding the man when his office hours were in. Right now, the three village hero's were figuring things out.

"Everyone, I need a private talk with Boruto and the Hokages, please." Heads of multiple departments with tape recorders and papers to sign were led out of the office and the door was shut. Because of spies, everything was soundproof and nothing can be heard inside the Hokage's office from outside.

"Is he alright, Shikadai?" Konohamaru says as he streches in his chair and takes a peaceful moment to enjoy the non-chaotic energy he rarely got during the day.

"Yes, the doctors said he's recovering fast." Konohamaru smiles at this.

"Congratulations! Of course he isn't ready yet but it seems like he'll be fully ready soon."

"Are you ever going to tell him about his best friend, Lord eighth."

"Who are we talking about here?" Boruto asks.

"Asuma Nara, my youngest child, Boruto. He's the same age as your son."

"Are they friends?" Sarada asks, a glimmer shining in her eye of pure motherhood.

"Best friends, lord ninth." Shikadai happily responds. "However, when Saruto was trying to leave the village, this generation of Ino-Shika-Cho and Mitsuki's team was dispatched to take him back. Asuma had jumped in front of Saruto's chidori to save the life of his teammate. Saruto's hand went through Asuma but Asuma unexpectedly lived. He's in a coma. It's as if my son couldn't leave without completing a certain mission." Konohamaru gets serious at Shikadai's words.

"Telling Saruto about Asuma wouldn't seem to be the smartest idea, my right hand man. Saruto had gotten his mangekyo sharingan because of your boy. If he sees him again, I'm not sure how he'll react."

"Asuma is his best friend. If it's anyone who can take him from the darkness when it strikes the hardest, it would be Asuma." Boruto says, remembering his father's and father in law's friendship along his own's with his rival, Kawaki.

"But it's not like Asuma is awake yet, Shikadai. We can wait at least until your boy is awake. It doesn't seem too long now." Konohamaru concludes.


Saruto passed by the halls of the Konoha official buildings. What happened to Saruto in the first wave of the currently pending war was marked classified. People gave sweet smiles and the normal looks I'm the balls but those shinobi who served in the new war who walked by him gave nasty stares. Everyone knew it wasn't his fault but one slow movement and the whole Allied Shinobi forces would've been wiped out.

It was raining outside. Saruto loved the rain. It was lovely to read to and the view gave him the perfect lighting on the pages when it poured during the day.

It wasn't intense so Saruto continued walking down the Konoha streets, hands in his worn black pants. He felt drops fall onto his new Konoha shinobi forehead protector and he acknowledged everything in the village slowly and softly.

Now that Saruto had gotten his mission accomplished, he felt mostly at peace. He had fulfilled the mission his best friend helped him complete before dying in his own hands. So, this gave him motivation for softness.

Now, waking down the street, he noticed little details he never paid attention to before. The smell of sweet bean curry bread in the air, the laughs of men in the bar, the gossips of women eating BBQ, and the occasional bird flying high above the buildings.

He even noticed the material on some of the buildings were new while some were aged, definitely from multiple times of village destruction attempts of villains.

Saruto finally took a turn into the library, not noticing a team of mischievous young shinobi spying on their idol in the bushes.

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