Chapter 42: Now in Color Part 2

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The doorbell rings again and we gasp. "Oh, shoot!" Wanda panics.

"Uh, here!" I voice, running to the closet and fetching a coat. She comes over and I help her slip it on. She goes to the door and opens it to reveal Geraldine.

"Wanda, what's up?" Geraldine greets, eyeing the coat. Wanda just smiles at her. "It's 75 degrees out. You making a fashion statement?" she asks as she strides in. "Oh, hi," she greets me and Peter. We grin and wave at her.

"Uh, hi, Geraldine. You know, now is not really a good time," Wanda replies.

"No, no, no, it's foxy. You'll have to let me borrow it sometime. But first, I gotta borrow a bucket. Not to wear, to use. Somehow, all the pipes in my ceiling burst at once and I gotta bail myself out," Geraldine turns to go to the kitchen but is suddenly stopped.

"Alright, sure!" Wanda says in a high voice. "Just stay right there. I think I might have a bucket in the kitchen," she jogs to the kitchen.

"Well, okay, then," Geraldine replies. Peter and I scurry in front of her to block her view of Wanda and gleam. "Oh- hello," she sounds puzzled.

"I think it's just here under the SINK!" Wanda screams.

"Are you alright in there?" Geraldine shouts, trying to take a look.

"Yes, I-I am just looking!" Wanda shouts back before releasing a groan.

"I'll come help," Geraldine insists. She tries to move around us but Peter and I block her path.

"Oh, she's fine, she doesn't need help," I yak, trying to keep her back. We keep blocking her until she manages to slip past us.

"No! I mean, no thank you!" Wanda screams. We run after Geraldine as she enters the kitchen. She heads to the closet and I quietly gasp when I see Wanda. She spots a bowl of fruit next to her and holds it in front of her to hide her belly.

"Bingo!" Geraldine chirps, pulling a bucket from the closet. She looks stunned when she turns to Wanda. "Would you look at that?"

"What?" Wanda, Peter, and I question.

"Fruit! Wanda! Thank you," she claims as she saunters over and picks up an apple. "Yummy," she mutters before walking out of the kitchen. We all follow behind as she walks to the door.

"Well, good luck with the leak," Wanda tells her.

"Oh, that- Oh! Say, Wanda, I've got a question for you," Geraldine pipes up, maneuvering to the couch. "You know how I've been working that temp job, right? Well, my boss, Mr. Haddox, he was going crazy yesterday-" Peter and I stand by the table as we gape in shock at a stork behind the couch. Wanda notices it too.

"Ohh, look at me going on and on like you got all the time in the world. Let me go on and get on out-"

"Wait! Ah!" Wanda yells so she doesn't see the stork. "No. Tell me about the temp job."

"Oh! That's my girl," Geraldine praises before continuing her story. The stork walks toward Peter and I, and we slowly back up. It goes by the stairs next.

"Oh?" Wanda reacts to Geraldine's story. She keeps chatting and Wanda gives me a look. I catch the hint and distract Peter.

"Is that another stork?" I whisper-yell, making him turn around.

"Where?" he questions, turning around. Since he's not looking, I subtly wiggle my fingers, trying to make the stork disappear. A puff of lavender smoke appears but the stork remains. "I'll go check," Peter whispers back before marching into the backyard. This time, Wanda tries and red smoke appears but nothing else happens. I sigh in frustration and Peter returns when the smoke is all clear. "There's no other stork," he discloses.

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