Chapter 2: Never Ending Romance

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Everything was calm and normal in Hawkins for almost a whole year. Jonathan and I were having the time of our lives together. We were each other's support system, always there for one another when we needed a shoulder to cry on. Our relationship had moved on to the next level. We were in love and we knew it.

Though of course, peace never lasts forever and we found ourselves facing a new threat. Once again, everyone joined forces to get rid of the evil that lurked our town. Eleven returned and we joined together to save everyone and close the gate. All seemed to be well after that, so Jonathan and I returned to getting caught up in our romantic and intimate relationship. Hopefully that was the end of it.

I never want to look down on hope but, man, was I wrong for hoping...


June 28, 1985

I giggle as Jonathan lifts me up and throws me on the bed. He climbs on top of me and we start making out when suddenly, the sound of machinery powering down makes me pull away. We both look up, noticing that the entire house is pitchblack. "Looks like the power went out," I point out. "Yup, looks like..." Jonathan responds. We both look at each other and shrug before getting back to business.

The Next Morning

I wake up and roll over to see Jonathan sleeping peacefully. I smile and roll onto my back again, closing my eyes. Then my eyes shoot open and I sit up abruptly in realization.

"Shit!" I gasp. I grab the watch from the bedside table and look at the time. Oh fuck, I'm late.

"Oh my gosh. No, no, no, no, no," I exclaim frantically.

Jonathan sits up, surprised and asks, "wh- what's wrong?"

I answer, "It's almost 9:00."

"What?!" he asks as he looks over at his alarm which inaccurately read 12:00. He fumbles with the blanket, trying to get out of bed. "Oh, shit!"

"We forgot to reset the clocks. The power went out last night, remember?" I chatter as I stand up, wearing only my underwear and one of Jonathan's t-shirts.

I begin to change into a pink dress while Jonathan struggles to put his clothes on. He jumps over the bed and falls over as he's attempting to put his pants on.

As soon as I'm dressed, I exit through the bedroom window and begin sprinting to his car. I lean against the car as I put on my heels, waiting for him to come and unlock the doors. We pick up Nancy on our way to work and we both ramble on about how poorly the men at the office treat us. Nancy was working there as an assistant and Jonathan and I as intern photographers. It was obvious that they didn't see me as equal to Jonathan, they gave him more photography-related assignments while I was tasked with cleaning up the red room.

When Nancy answered a phone call about diseased rats eating fertilizer, we saw it as an opportunity to prove ourselves. We convinced Jonathan to come along with us as we pursued the story. This eventually got us fired, however. Little did we know that these rats were only a tiny piece of the giant puzzle. Once again, it was time for another epic adventure of fighting stranger things with the gang.


Eleven used her powers to find Billy, which resulted in the Mind Flayer telling her that it was building something for me and El. It flayed all those people to create an army to stop us. It also threatened to kill everyone, so that's nice.

A faint rumbling sound captured my attention, and it seemed to have caught Nancy's too. She walked up to the window and asked, "do you guys hear that?"

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