story idea #44

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High Rise

She has an unimaginable fear of height as her parents often tell her about how she almost died in childhood from falling down a building. As she grew up, she decided that she won't let that fear keep her down anymore and will go do bungee jumping to overcome it. Her family instantly denies her from going so she runs away from house.

He gets to know about the supernatural beings that live within the city regions. He isn't sure if they are safe or not so he ventures out to find out about the inhuman beings pretending to be a human family when he runs into a girl who's bent upon having her first bungee jumping experience.

He decides to help her get there after which he can go find his targets when they both realise that their feelings are starting to get Tangled in a way they wouldn't have guessed it could have gone.

As she's about to take the huge jump, two wings flash open from her back and it doesn't take a mastermind for him to realise that the beings he was after is the woman he loves.


(damn, I watched Tangled so that's where the idea originated from)

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