story idea #26

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First Kiss

she is over 25 now and yet she hasn't dated or kissed anyone. Apparently she's waiting for THE ONE but we all know that she can't get herself a partner to save her own life.

Working over time as she always does, she finds herself in the cafe even on her birthday.

" *sigh* Another year older but I'm all the same. ", She said and that's when he entered the room.

" Your order sir? ", She asked.

" No darling, what's your wish? Get ready for some birthday gifts? ", He said and suddenly she finds herself in a trance.

" What do you desire? ", She was asked and even though she didn't speak a word, her heart spoke millions.

" A first kiss, is it? Granted! ", The voice said and boom! She was back. She was about to forget that weird incident as a dream of hers but then she found herself alone with 10 other hot men, all ready to be chosen by her.

(What even is this?)

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