story idea #14

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Hotel Lunar Eclipse

You have been sent to the Hotel Lunar Eclipse which is more than home to you. Everytime your parents had to go somewhere, they would keep you in this hotel till they return. So you spend majority of your childhood in this dark cold hotel far away from humanity, which strangely always feels like home.

As you enter the hotel, you see all the old faces that work in the hotel. That old but beautiful receptionist. The young girl who always sweeps around the floors music flooding in her ears from her old iPod. You stopped as you saw a new face.

" We finally hired a housekeeping staff. ", The old receptionist said as she saw your bewildered face.

" Hello Ma'am. Have a nice stay at Hotel Lunar Eclipse. ", He said with an inferior tone even though he seemed older than me.

" I've been here since childhood. I guess I should be welcoming you. ", You touched his arm for a split second and you felt like the start of something beautiful.


(This seems very horror bent but I'm actually not planning on adding horror elements to this.)

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